Ailing boxer puppies. Mange & Tumor-like Bumps.?

I have 2 boxer puppies... 9 months and 11 months. My boy pup has had demodex mange since he was approximately 5 months. We tried several medications starting with ivermectin, and then moving on to mitaban. After his first mitaban dip, we noticed a big…

    Ailing boxer puppies. Mange & Tumor-like Bumps.?

    I have 2 boxer puppies... 9 months and 11 months. My boy pup has had demodex mange since he was approximately 5 months. We tried several medications starting with ivermectin, and then moving on to mitaban. After his first mitaban dip, we noticed a big…...
    General Dog Discussions : Ailing boxer puppies. Mange & Tumor-like Bumps.?...

    • Ailing boxer puppies. Mange & Tumor-like Bumps.?

      Ailing boxer puppies. Mange & Tumor-like Bumps.? General Dog Discussions
      I have 2 boxer puppies... 9 months and 11 months. My boy pup has had demodex mange since he was approximately 5 months. We tried several medications starting with ivermectin, and then moving on to mitaban. After his first mitaban dip, we noticed a big improvement and he grew almost all his hair back.A few months later we noticed our other pup losing some of her fur and she hadn't had any problems in the past with her immune system. We took them both in for a skin scraping and they both tested negative for demodex. Now 2 months later... we took them in again (for bumps and hair loss) and they both tested positive for demodex. So, they have both had 3 dips now and since they began the dips, they've both developed tumor-like bumps... the boy on his head and under his chin and the girl on her legs.I'm not too happy with the vet that they have been seeing and plan on changing them immediately. The vet said that the bumps are benign but may cause problems in the future. Any input?

      Ailing boxer puppies. Mange & Tumor-like Bumps.?

      Ailing boxer puppies. Mange & Tumor-like Bumps.? General Dog Discussions
    • Unfortunately, domodex mange is an immune disorder and is not curable, only treatable. The chances for recurrence of this disease are pretty good in a very healthy dog. It sounds to me like your dogs both have pretty severely compromised immune systems still. It is also possible that there is a secondary infection involved here. This would require antibiotics as well.Are you feeding them a special diet that will boost the immune system? Is your vet giving you immune system booster vitamins?Sometimes the mange never gets better, or comes back frequently enough to make sure the dog never gets well. This sounds very unfortunate, but I would get a second opinion before you give up.Also, check out the website It has some great info on immune system disorders. This problem can be hereditary, and the mother should be spayed so she doesnt pass this to any more pups. It can also be caused by poor health of the mom while she was pregnant. Have you contacted the breeder?Dont have a clue on the bumps.