Why do people shave their dogs during the summer?

Sure, it might cool them down a little bit...but isn't it obvious that they need their coat to protect them from the sun, too?I would never shave my dog. In my opinion, it's unnecessary.Aussies- Who are you to always yell at me? What did I do?

    Why do people shave their dogs during the summer?

    Sure, it might cool them down a little bit...but isn't it obvious that they need their coat to protect them from the sun, too?I would never shave my dog. In my opinion, it's unnecessary.Aussies- Who are you to always yell at me? What did I do?...
    General Dog Discussions : Why do people shave their dogs during the summer?...

    • There are many folks who shave their dogs due to it making it easier to keep bugs off. If they are hunting, or field working their dogs, sometimes its easier for them. Other times the folks are under the mistaken idea that it cools the dog off, this is actually not true. The dogs coat, which provides protective insulation in cold months, actually provides the same insulation from the heat. However, only if the dog is properly maintained, ie brushed, combed and kept up properly. If the dog is neglected in the routine grooming area, it is often best to go ahead and shave them, since the resultant matting can cause sores and skin issues and will not provide the same protection a well maintained coat does.And since you probably take better care of your dog than alot of folks, for you, it probably isnt necessary to shave him. :) I have dogs here that I shave...most are supposed to be hairless, LOL but one of my little puff boys, I keep him shaved cuz its just easier for me to care for him. His coat matts easily, despite routine brushing. Since I no longer show him, he doesnt need the hassle nor do I of keeping up his coat. Hes perfectly happy being kept shorter and Im happy with less coats to keep up. just a personal thing there, but I have 9 dogs, so for convinence sake....this one is shaved. :)

    • To "keep them cool".Honestly, my parents shave our Sheltie down every single summer. They did the same with the Collies, and with our Aussie (thank goodness they don't shave Lexy). I hate it. Of course, they don't really do any of the grooming work, so they don't understand just how horrible it is for his coat. *I* would never personally do it, but as long as they think it's the right thing to do, they'll continue to do it. They're both pretty headstrong people.Add: Despite the fact that I'm mostly against it, and I see the negatives, Dances with Woofs has a point. He *does* seem a lot happier/cooler after its done, and the vet recommends it (whether or not that's good advice I'm not sure). He's outside quite a bit with me and the girls, and I do think it does him a bit of good.Add2: There are also some pretty heavy burrs in the summer, and tiny little thorn trees that could/would get all caught in his coat. For all the grooming in the world (and I do brush him daily) he would still be uncomfortable...as any dog dragging a thorn branch would be. It isn't a bad choice, necessarily, considering the situation. I *do* understand why it's done.

    • people do this thinking it will cool their dogs down, when in fact the coat can help them stay cooler in summer...this is true.The coat is a natural insulator and should not be shaved down, people don't do it to make the dog look tougher or leaner, they do it, because they think it will cool the dog down...Not.The coat can be thinned, but should never be shaven off or to the skin, unless the dog has a bad skin condition, and on the advice of a vet.., or the coat has gotten so tangled, matted, this would be the only solution...and lots of people do let their dogs go to where this has to be done...poor dogs.

    • *rolls eyes*Why do you care what other people do with their dogs. if I want to shave my dogs for the summer, I will shave my dogs. I am not shaving you or your dogs, so leave it be.By the way, I keep my shih tzu short year round, my mini schnauzer in schnauzer cut, and my aussie I keep in full coat.

    • All but one of my dogs now are short haired, but I used to have a Sheltie with a VERY thick coat, who was always hot and uncomfortable in the summer.He was MUCH happier, and cooler, in the summer when he was shaved.Obviously I didnt take him down to the skin. :o)Most people thought he was an Australian Shepherd when he was shavedWhere I live foxtails and burrs are a problem. A long coat can be a real liability, even if you groom the dog every day. Thats why all my dogs have short coats, now

    • I agree with you fully!!Now, in my case with the golden retrievers...............I have a friend that shaved "Dunkin" and he was so gorgeous!!! I never in my life saw a more gorgeous golden retriever than my friends golden. She shaved him a couple of times at the beginning of some past summers. It bothered me so so so much! Why in heck would a person shave a golden retriever that is bred with those fabulous feathers, and breast coat?!! Now, I'm thinking she (or may other people with their dogs) didn't brush him regularly and he got knots, and she shaved him to rid of the knots. But, nevertheless, if someone shaves their dog, it's not helping to keep them cool!!! No, it's not. It actually makes them more hot from the beeming sun. The fur/hair protects them from the suns rays, and heat. Now, if they wanted a dog to have short hair, they should have a dog with naturally "short hair"................not go shave a dog hair away. Trim....yesTidy up.....yesShape.....yesSculpt.....yesRid of knots.....yesSHAVE of the protective hair...........NO. :oPilot and I!!

    • some dogs need the insulation from the cold AND heat, and some don't.i know one lady who is an avid hiker and has a tibetan terrier. our town has no leash law (only a law that dogs must not annoy passers by or run into the road)she has his fur clipped short in the warm months because otherwise, in his hiking, he runs through the brush and gets himself tangled and covered in burs. i can't imagine why people would SHAVE the dogs though, but i agree that some are better off with a shorter cut during the summer, to stay clean and neat.

    • Because they either don't care that dogs are susceptible to sunburn and overheating -- or they never cared to educate themselves.I would never shave my two double coated dogs unless they had either a medical condition, or they hadn't been groomed in a while for some reason and had mattes that wouldn't come apart [which would never happen].And of COURSE a dog would be happier for the first couple weeks after being shaved.It's like us getting a buzz cut during the summer.It's all cool and chilly until you're out in the sun for more than a couple hours.