My friend's step father is saying all these "facts" about these dogs, a little help disproving them?

Ok my friend is getting a dog this Christmas. His step father insists on getting a lab. While my friend doesn't, at all. He wants....Rottweiler-Apparently they are horrible with children (he has a 4 and a 6 year old) and they will randomly turn on…

    My friend's step father is saying all these "facts" about these dogs, a little help disproving them?

    Ok my friend is getting a dog this Christmas. His step father insists on getting a lab. While my friend doesn't, at all. He wants....Rottweiler-Apparently they are horrible with children (he has a 4 and a 6 year old) and they will randomly turn on…...
    General Dog Discussions : My friend's step father is saying all these "facts" about these dogs, a little help disproving them?...

    • Rottweiler--not bad with children. They are a herding dog and a guard dog, and the owner should be aware of both habits. They are great dogs, like all dogs can be, as long as the owner is aware of exactly what the breed was bred to do, and works with these drives, not against them, to get the desired effect. For example, he should be wary of the fact that if his Rottie has any herding drive at all, s/he would be known to round the children up. May be wary of strangers. Either way, socialization is important with any breed, and your friend should go through a reputable breeder, or shelter, and at least talk to a responsible breeder to get a good idea of what to expect.There--that's out of the way. :) The same is true for all breeds listed (and every breed in the world).German Shepherd--another herding dog, so he should be mindful of that. Smart, and yes, can be one-person, but that doesn't mean viciousness, necessarily. It just means, again, that socialazation is important to ensure that the GSD is open to strangers and to new situations.Huskies--he's right on that one. Huskies are extremely smart, and independent--as they were bred to be. They do not take too well to fences or cages, and are smart enough not to have to. Huskies, being as smart and un-willing (idependant) to please as they are, are a huge handful, and not for an inexperienced owner.That said, I hope your friend makes the right decision for everyone. Good luck to you all!

    • "Throw this one at him. . . according to the Canadian Safety Council, the breed with the largest number of bite incidences is the Labrador Retriever. By virtue of there being so darn many of them"That is only because there are twice as many Labs as any other breed.Now, let's talk about serious injuries and deaths caused by different breeds. No one ever bothers to state those stats.So here three of those statements are true IF you are talking about the dogs having the "propensity" for those behaviors. Just understand that because it is easier to TRAIN a breed to behave a certain way, doesn't mean that it will always act that way on it's own. It is a heck of a lot easier to train a Beagle to chase rabbits than it is a Shepherd or a Lab, but that doesn't mean that a Shepherd or Lab won't chase rabbits.

    • I have worked with all of these breeds as a vet tech and I have to say, as an all around family dog, Labs win. I have only seen two in the hundreds I've worked with that wanted to take your face off.That being said, I own a German Shepherd Dog and he is wonderful! Rotts and GSDs are large, strong-willed dogs that need firm and consistent training from day one. Your friend would be in for a LOT of work getting one of these puppies, especially with two smaller children to raise as well. I have had several dogs in my life and have trained them all. The Shepherd is the first that I needed some professional help with.They are beautiful, awesome dogs but they get bored very quickly. Bored = Destruction! They need a job to do, some sort of outlet for their energy, which seems to come from a bottomless pit.They will test your authority often and have the brains to outsmart you if you aren't on your toes.Rotts are beautiful dogs as well. They are determined and are almost as versatile as the Shepherd. They are pretty even tempered and also need to do something to keep them occupied.The husky is smaller and definitely a good looking dog as well. They can be aloof to people and are harder to train. They were bred to run and that is what they like to do. Some of them work extra hard at becoming expert escape artists. Good natured dogs but many have a wandering heart that prevents them from settling in as the family pet.My GSD is (at 13 months) an 80lb goofball with lots of energy to burn. He is great with the kids, cats and other dogs. (His favorite play buddy is a 15lb Boston Terrier)If your friend is up for the long-haul, ready to take charge and has enough extra time on his hands that he could train the dog daily and provide plenty of exercise, I say, get a GSD, they are amazing!Best of luck.

    • Well here is some info that might help from my own knowledge about each breed:::::*The Rottweiler>> I have owned 2 rottweilers in the past and they were the best of dogs so loving and very good with kids!!! In the hands of a responsible owner, a well trained and socialized Rottweiler can be a reliable, alert dog and a loving companion. Rottweilers that are well trained and cared for can be as well behaved as any other dog breed and, in general, quick to learn. All over these are a wonderful dog breed to own!*German Shepherd>> And no German Shepherd dogs are not vicious and again In the hands of a responsible owner, a well trained and socialized German Shepherd can be a reliable, alert dog and a loving companion. They are not a ONE person dog. Shepherds have CLOSE bonds with their family!! Due to their loyal nature Shepherds bond well with children they know as well. They are a very loving breed. And in the hands of a good owner they will make a wonderful and fun loving dog! :)*Siberian Huskies>> Yes it is true huskies are big time Escape artists and yes they will run away at any chance they get. I was going to buy one but i did lots of reasearch and found that they are escape artist so i knew i did not want that breed. Instead i bought a American Akita and she is now 9 months old and i could not be happier. She is the best!! But back to Huskies, Siberian Huskies are a high-energy canine requiring lots of exercise.Siberian Huskies are a very stubborn and dominant breed of dog. Siberians need consistent training and do well with a "Nothing In Life Is Free" training program. But besides all of that the good things are......They are known to howl, sing and talk rather than bark. And they are Beautiful dogs! :) But American Akitas are gorgoues!! I am glad i did not get a Husky i dont want to deal with a dog that bolts about the door every chance it got. But they are beautiful! :) Good Luck and i hope this Helps!! :)*AMY*

    • They may be his oppinions but are very true. You can raise them better of coarse, but its there territorial trait. All three of those dogs are great though, and whats wrong with him trying to protect his children? Labs are also very wonderful dogs, why do you care anyways, its not your decision, nor your family!

    • Rottweilers- No that's NOT ALWAYS true. My neighbor has a rottweiler and she's great with his kids and other people,just not other dogs.German Sheperds - Hahaha so not true. We adopted a dog named Ruby from someone in our old apartments,and she was really friendly. Huskies - Eh,possibly. But dogs shouldn't be in cages unless they sleep in their at night for a reason or did something they shouldn't for a certain amount of time.

    • he has to be speaking from personal experience. what he doesn't know is that all dogs have their own personality. the dog is never the problem it is always the owner. my 4yr old rottweiler and 2 &1/2yr old pitt bull are the sweetest dogs in the world. my rott goes into every building with me and says hi to everyone. maybe he should take a visit to my place and he'll sing a different tune.

    • What he said about huskies is true! They are escape artists and will try bolt every chance they get! You can NEVER trust one off-leash!What he said about Rotts and GSD's is not true.. if they are both properly trained and socialized they are great family dogs. They do not "turn" on their owners. They are guard dogs and may be protective of the home and family, but they are not viscious.