How do I stop my dog attacking other dogs?
How do I stop my dog attacking other dogs? General Dog Discussions
Gee doctor, it hurts when I do this. Doctor to patient, then don't do that.From your post.Your dog will attack some dogs when there are other dogs in the field and then you let your dog loose.First. If your dog is loose you are liable for ANYTHING that your dog does. ANY damage.Second. I wouldn't leave my dog loose, but if I did, and if I was having your problem, I wouldn't let my dog loose when I saw that there were other loose dogs around.Third. What would you do if your dog was loose and another dog came running up to your dog and attacked it? I bet you'd try to protect your dog. Right? Now if you were protecting your dog, the other dog got hurt, would you feel that you were liable or the other person was liable? The other person since THEIR dog attacked yours.Fourth. While your dog is loose, you apparently have zero control over your dog. What happens if your dog chases something other than another dog and gets hurt while doing it? Whose fault is that?Fifth. You can't get your dog to come to you when it is attacking other dogs, so what makes you think you can get him to stop attacking other dogs while he is off leash? You need to take your dog to an obedience instructor to teach you to teach your dog BASIC manners.If you want your dog to FEEL that it is loose, but still under control, get your dog a retractable leash. It's better than nothing and better than what you are doing now.