What should I do with 2 week old puppies?

My dog had puppies two weeks ago and she got ran over yesterday; now I am left with all nine of her beautiful puppies. I have no idea what to do with thm; I have been feeding them puppies milk but it is so hard to feed 9 puppies. Should I take them to…

    What should I do with 2 week old puppies?

    My dog had puppies two weeks ago and she got ran over yesterday; now I am left with all nine of her beautiful puppies. I have no idea what to do with thm; I have been feeding them puppies milk but it is so hard to feed 9 puppies. Should I take them to…...
    General Dog Discussions : What should I do with 2 week old puppies?...

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    • Your doing the right things by trying to feed them. we had to do that to ours also, every two hours. It was hard but very well worth it. You could find someone that has a dog that just had puppies and see if she will take them and feed them. Or just have some of your friends or relatives help to feed them. I think the pet stores have some king of device that has multiple bottles that will feed all of them at one time. You should call your local vet and see what they have to offer, they may know someone who can help.

    • A rescue group would be better equipped to help you. They need to eat every few hours. Please think about this - if you cannot commit to being their "mom" and if you cannot keep them safe from being run over (!) then you need help.Look at www.petfinder.com to find local rescue groups. It's better that they go than stay and starve to death.

    • ask a friend or family mem. to help you it is a very hard job and i now it can be to much. do you have a no kill shelter you should try calling your local human society and see if you can get some help (like a foster home for some). if i was there i would so help you sorry about your momma dog. good luck to you

    • you have a few options, feed them till they get old enough to eat solids, or you could take them to a shelter, they will freeze them after they die, and then sell them to a dog food company(they don't have time, and most likely won't care), or you could just sell them to a Chinese restaurant for a profit, or you could put an ad in the paper, maybe you'll take a nice country drive(oops where did they go, oh well)

    • go to the store and get puppy milk and feed them every 2 hours. it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY YOU DIDNT GET YOUR PET SPAYED, i worked at a shelter for 2 years and alot of people like you came there to ditch their responsibilities on someone else, you know what they do there to those puppies? put them down, the take a needle full of a euthanasia fluid and poke them in the stomach with it and they die slowly screaming and crying because it burns and hurts. they are too little to inject it in to their veins so that is how they do it.

    • You also need to help them go potty and keep them warm. I am so sorry about what happened to your dog. What breed or mix of pups are they? I have helped to bottle feed pups in cases like this in my area (Houston TX) so you might want to call a few no-kill shelters in your area and ask if they know of any volunteers that will help you with the pups. Some people will as long as you supply the milk. I hope you find some help and I know that is a huge job! But at two and a half weeks, it's a lot easier than at 2 days old. So at least you don't have long to go before they can start eating on their own. Hang in there and I hope you find some help!

    • I've had to do this myself- exact same story. You're gonna have to get a friend or family member to take shifts with you if you think you can handle raising them. You're gonna have to sleep, in there, clean their mess, clean the bedding and floors everyday, sometimes twice. The pups need to be fed every two hours and as you know, it's hard to get them to take the bottle, plus the time it takes to feed all of them, it's been two hours and you have to start over, right? sheesh. So, either send them away, or get a friend or family member to help. Remember, every single one needs their genitals riubbed with a warm cloth every hour or so to stimulate ejection of bodily fluids. Good luck!!

    • No you don't need to take them unless there is a sign that they are sick or dying and not getting the nutrition that they need. The first two weeks puppies should feed from their mother to get the vitamins and nutrients they need to grow and protect them from disease. But if they are getting all this from the milk that you are feeding them then theres no problem unless you need some extra help you can always go to a vet hospital or something to help you out. My dogs have had 2 litters of puppies before so yes I know how important it is that the puppies feed but if they don't have their mother you seem to be doing the best you can and if ya can't take the load and responsibility go find somebody to help you.

    • I know it is a lot of work, but at 2 weeks they can live being fed by hand. If they were only two days old you would have to find another Mom to take them. If you don't know anyone with a mom perhaps your vet can suggest one. If not, you are just going to have to feed them. I personally wouldn't trust someone else with them unless I knew that they knew how to care for them and were responsible enough to do it.

    • First and most important is to keep them warm and full. You need to get milk replacement and feed them every two hours. A heat lamp will keep them warm and keep them in a box with some shade from the heat lamp. And don't put the lamp too close.... you don't want to cook them.ASAP... call the vet and get advice! You need to make sure they are getting dog milk replacement... not just any milk... this could kill them to take in something else. At two weeks, they should be nursing every 3-4 hours.Another awesome place to get advice is to contact a breeder of the same type of dog. You can get advice from someone through a rescue group as you suggested. Puppies are blessing, and you have this in your lap for a reason... but definitely get advice!

    • I would try this website for feeding the puppies. http://www.leerburg.com/bottlefeeding.htmI would call a vet and ask them, you need to make sure that if you take them to a rescue group how will they treat the puppies, are they able to treat them. I think a vet's office would be more equiped to handle them and many vet tech are willing to help raise puppies. I agree with those who suggested maybe getting some people to help you with the feedings such as neighbors or family members. Good luck but talk to the vet and see what they recommend.

    • 2 Week old puppies need colostrum suppliment to build immunity and a special formula which you can probably make at home. I found this formula on the net http://www.northernontarioboxerclub.com/orphan.htmlHow Much To Feed:The two powdered formulas I suggested contain about one calorie per milliliter when reconstituted at one part formula to two parts water. With either of these products, each day the average puppy needs 25-35 milliliters of formula for every 100 grams (about 3.5 ounces) of body weight. Divide this number by the number of feedings per day to obtain the amount for each feeding. During week two, give 15-20 ml for every 100 grams body weight. During weeks three and four give 20 ml for every 100 grams body weight. These amounts are always only a rough estimate. Feed the puppy until its belly is gently rounded or pear-shaped. How Often To Feed:Feed very young puppies every three or four hours or six to eight feeding a day. Some people get up to give their puppy a midnight feeding but this is not necessary. By the time the puppy is three weeks old, four feedings per day are quite sufficient. At five weeks of age the puppy should be eating some solid foods. At this age feed it two to three times a day if at all. Puppies that are hungry and need feeding will cry continuously, move their heads from side to side and suckle on each other and on objects in the nest box.