My poodle gave birth three hours ago to one puppy ,how far apart could more pups be coming out?

My poodle gave birth three hours ago to one puppy ,how far apart could more pups be coming out?

    My poodle gave birth three hours ago to one puppy ,how far apart could more pups be coming out?

    My poodle gave birth three hours ago to one puppy ,how far apart could more pups be coming out?...
    General Dog Discussions : My poodle gave birth three hours ago to one puppy ,how far apart could more pups be coming out?...

    • My poodle gave birth three hours ago to one puppy ,how far apart could more pups be coming out?

      My poodle gave birth three hours ago to one puppy ,how far apart could more pups be coming out? General Dog Discussions
      My poodle gave birth three hours ago to one puppy ,how far apart could more pups be coming out?

      My poodle gave birth three hours ago to one puppy ,how far apart could more pups be coming out?

      My poodle gave birth three hours ago to one puppy ,how far apart could more pups be coming out? General Dog Discussions
    • Get off the computer, put the mother and puppy in the car and drive to the vet NOW. If she has a pup stuck in the birth canal she will need a C section urgently or any remaining pups will die and she will also die. Three hours is too long to wait and see.Did you have xrays done to see how many pups she had in there? If not there may be no more or there may be as many as 4 more. You need to get her to a vet PRONTO. You've already waited too long.

    • Attached is an article about what is normal, and what to watch for when whelping puppies. If the mom has been straining to deliver for 3 hours.....DEFINITELY vet. If she seems normal...not really an emergency. You are with the dog, and can see if you think she is okay or not. She should see a vet at some point soon.

    • What does your vet say? Your breed mentor? Don't have a breed mentor have not called the vet? Than why breed you are risking the life of your dog just to make a buck. Denying vet care to her now is neglect and animal cruelty if you cannot get her to a vet you will be watching her die. Congrats on killing your dog.