my dog keeps vomiting, can not stand up and she is drooling everywhere.?

she a jack Russel. she is one of five puppies. they are about five months old. im only seventeen i cant afford to take her to a vet. when i walked in the room she was in i noticed she kept falling over and she wont hold still. shes thrown up alot, she…

    my dog keeps vomiting, can not stand up and she is drooling everywhere.?

    she a jack Russel. she is one of five puppies. they are about five months old. im only seventeen i cant afford to take her to a vet. when i walked in the room she was in i noticed she kept falling over and she wont hold still. shes thrown up alot, she…...
    General Dog Discussions : my dog keeps vomiting, can not stand up and she is drooling everywhere.?...

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    • my dog keeps vomiting, can not stand up and she is drooling everywhere.?

      my dog keeps vomiting, can not stand up and she is drooling everywhere.? General Dog Discussions
      she a jack Russel. she is one of five puppies. they are about five months old. im only seventeen i cant afford to take her to a vet. when i walked in the room she was in i noticed she kept falling over and she wont hold still. shes thrown up alot, she is drooling everywhere. the father of the puppy has seizures so thats all i think it could be. she looks so miserable. i dont know what to domy god people i have tried to find her a home dont have to be such an asshole about it

      my dog keeps vomiting, can not stand up and she is drooling everywhere.?

      my dog keeps vomiting, can not stand up and she is drooling everywhere.? General Dog Discussions
    • Sounds like it may have got into somthing toxic to it. Have you treated it yourself for flea's. Some dogs can't handle that. Try giving a warm bath and rinse well. Good Luck

    • WHY did you breed a dog that has seizures? You can euthanize it, or you can let it suffer and be charged with animal cruelty, or you can get it to a vet. Your only choices.