Did i do the right thing?

I was walking my dog today on the park, a man came on with a lovely white Husky puppy. It was only 4 months old.It was playing with my dog for a while, then the guy called it over, but it didnt come.So he went over to it and beat it with a chain leash,…

    Did i do the right thing?

    I was walking my dog today on the park, a man came on with a lovely white Husky puppy. It was only 4 months old.It was playing with my dog for a while, then the guy called it over, but it didnt come.So he went over to it and beat it with a chain leash,…...
    General Dog Discussions : Did i do the right thing?...

    • Did i do the right thing?

      Did i do the right thing? General Dog Discussions
      I was walking my dog today on the park, a man came on with a lovely white Husky puppy. It was only 4 months old.It was playing with my dog for a while, then the guy called it over, but it didnt come.So he went over to it and beat it with a chain leash, so badly that its back was bleeding, then he left it to go into a store.When he went into the store i took the dog home with me.Did i do the right thing, and what should i do with the dog, or about the man?Its such a lovely looking, friendly puppy, i want it to have good life.I would be happy to keep the dog if i can, and if it gets along with my other 2 dogs.

      Did i do the right thing?

      Did i do the right thing? General Dog Discussions
    • DON'T give the dog back you did a good thing taking the dog you can either treats his wounds and keep him or take him to a local no-kill shelter but thank you for doing something to help that dog

    • i think you did the right thing, even though what you did is technically called stealing, but it sounds like the puppy was in danger, so i can't fault you for your actions. can you keep the dog? or is there a no-kill shelter close to you? or a rescue group?

    • Keep the dog. If this actually happened I think you did a wonderful thing to take that dog. Keep it for yourself and love the dog. Also take it to the vet just in case to make sure there isnt any serious damage. god knows what else that guy did to the dog.

    • The right thing, maybe...the LEGAL thing, No. Call authorities and explain the situation. Show them the injuries. Documant all of it, and let them handle it. What if they retaliate by taking your dog as well as their own back someday? Or killing yours? Anyone violent and disturbed enough to do this to a dog has NO reason to be any better to people. So though you saved *this* dog, he'll only get another, or abuse his wife or kids. By reporting him and getting the law involved, you can contribute to getting him locked up where he belongs.

    • well done for rescuing the dog,if you can keep him do it,sounds like he will have a better life with you than the animal that is the owner.if you can treat the wounds yourself and there not to bad do it,other wise get vet help for him.i would also report it to the police as well,that is animal cruelty,the dog might be micro chipped and easily traceable by the police

    • He committed animal abuse and you committed theft. You should take the puppy to animal control and let the authorities handle it. They will see the injuries and if the owner shows up, they will press charges.

    • I think you are in the right. No animal needs to be beaten like that. You may need to contact the police about it though just in case the man comes looking for the dog. You want to be able to give your reasons as to why you took the dog and prove it was being mistreated and abused.

    • Yes, you did the right thing. Clearly the puppy wouldn't have had a good life with him IF it lived long enough to grow up. I would agree that you should take it to a shelter if you aren't in a position to keep the dog (probably better to take it to a shelter than the man ever see you with it) and tell the people at the shelter that you saw him beat and abandoned. I would not admit that you "stole" (more like rescued) him from a stranger. Hopefully he won't ever get the puppy back. As an owner of 2 adopted shelter dogs I thank you for being a good person and not just looking the other way.

    • It is what I would have done. But it is a crime. Call your local ASPCA. And tell them the situation. The man can get up to a year in jail and $300 in fines.

    • Yes, you did the right thing! I am really proud that you did and that was a really good thing you did there. You should be so pleased with yourself! Also contact an animal shelter to see if they can take the dog if you don't want it. Tell them what happened to the dog and why you took it. Again good job! If I knew you I would give you a high five and a hug! (A friend-like hug, don't worry. I'm not weird like that)

    • you did the right thing do not give it a 2nd thought. so 1st take care of the dog. and if you do want it to go to a good home u can keep it. but the dog might have some problems because it was beat. like when it gets older it might have health problems. and 2nd turn the guy in. people like that should be put behind bars!!!!!

    • What you can do is call Animal Control and tell them what you witnessed and you didn't want the puppy to be harmed or run into the street and get hit. This was Animal Abuse plain and simple and he should be charged. If that had happened to a child I'm sure you would have called the police. It's up to you, but if he cared so little for that puppy he'll just get another one and do the same to it. Go with your gut and I'm sure you'll come up with the right answer for you. You have a good soul!!! Take care;^)

    • what you should do is. go to the police explain what happened make a complaint agianst the guy and then after all is said and done obivously he is going to get into trouble if he actually did this but he certainly won't be able to keep the puppy. i think you did do the right thing but you need to follow through. you should also take it to the vet to see the the pup was hurt worse than what you can see. i hope that the jerk you beat the pup goes to jail and i also hope you get to keep if, that is if you want him.

    • yah...it seems like the right thing...the man doen't deserve the puppy! ...that must of been a cute puppy! ...u keep it...or give it up for adoption...or ask friends that you know very well that might want a dog! Hope i could help!

    • Yes you did the right thing - AND GOOOD FOR YOU - many people would have walked away - shaking their head and sad, but walked away nonetheless.You need to call the police. They will stop by, fill out a report. You need to tell them everything that happened including that he left the dog out in front of the store.Or - you could keep him - after all, the guy left him and as they say - possession is 9/10ths of the law!