Did i do the right thing?

I was walking my dog today on the park, a man came on with a lovely white Husky puppy. It was only 4 months old.It was playing with my dog for a while, then the guy called it over, but it didnt come.So he went over to it and beat it with a chain leash,…

    Did i do the right thing?

    I was walking my dog today on the park, a man came on with a lovely white Husky puppy. It was only 4 months old.It was playing with my dog for a while, then the guy called it over, but it didnt come.So he went over to it and beat it with a chain leash,…...
    General Dog Discussions : Did i do the right thing?...

    • BRAVO!!!!! APPLAUSE!!!!! And good for you!!Take some pictures of his injuries and contact your local animal rescue. Explain what happened and they should help you out. (mine would) If you want to keep the dog, keep it, and love it! If you can't take it to the shelter (it's called a shelter for that reason)

    • Technically, you stole his dog and you could get arrested. That being said, you did the right thing. If you decide to take it to a shelter DONT tell them what happened, you could get arrested. Just tell them you found it and it was bleeding.

    • I think you did the right thing but you should have also called animal control to let them know about the situation that way you wont be in trouble if he finds out who took it well good luck