My dog has been acting weird since last night. I have a four year old yellow AKC Labrador.?

My lab Carlie is my bestfriend and my baby. And yesterday she started acting really weird. I gave her a bath yesterday and she was her usually happy energetic self. She was running around, wagging her tail, rolling around and barking like she usually…

    My dog has been acting weird since last night. I have a four year old yellow AKC Labrador.?

    My lab Carlie is my bestfriend and my baby. And yesterday she started acting really weird. I gave her a bath yesterday and she was her usually happy energetic self. She was running around, wagging her tail, rolling around and barking like she usually…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has been acting weird since last night. I have a four year old yellow AKC Labrador.?...

    • My dog has been acting weird since last night. I have a four year old yellow AKC Labrador.?

      My dog has been acting weird since last night. I have a four year old yellow AKC Labrador.? General Dog Discussions
      My lab Carlie is my bestfriend and my baby. And yesterday she started acting really weird. I gave her a bath yesterday and she was her usually happy energetic self. She was running around, wagging her tail, rolling around and barking like she usually does after a bath. And later that night I realized she was holding her tail down. Not like between her legs like she was scared but just held straight down. I thought it was SO weird. She is ALWAYS wagging her tail. Even for no reason sometimes. And this morning I woke up to her on my bed (where she usually sleeps) and she was shaking like she was cold. So I put her under the blankets and closed the window. She laid there for like a minute and then she got up and laid on top of the covers like she usually does (she doesn't like being under blankets). She's not cold. And she was panting for no reason. And now she has a worried look on her face and she is hiding behind the kitchen table. She is an amazing dog and listens perfectly but she won't come when I call her from under the table. I had to drag her out. And she is just looking at me with her puppy dog eyes and I feel so bad for her. Does anyone know what's wrong with her? I am planning to take her to the vet soon cause she is my baby but I want some ideas of what it could be. Please help. Thank you!P.s She isn't a hunting dog or anything. And she doesnt go swimming that often. So i dont think its Cold Tail. She is energetic but tires out quickly. And she is a little chubby girl.

      My dog has been acting weird since last night. I have a four year old yellow AKC Labrador.?

      My dog has been acting weird since last night. I have a four year old yellow AKC Labrador.? General Dog Discussions
    • It could be Underactive Thyroid which is what my golden lab has had for a few years now. Is she suddenly really tired all the time? Because then you should ask the vets to take a blood test to see if she has Underactive thyroid because its quite common in dogs that age especially if they're a bit chubby