what can i do to have a better walk with my dogs and what kind of dog food do you recommend?

thanks for the answer to my other question it was helpful but heres another one for ya.my germen sheperd always pulls the leash when i take him to walk it is soo tiring to take hime because he is soo strong.also i feed him and my golden retriever puppy a…

    what can i do to have a better walk with my dogs and what kind of dog food do you recommend?

    thanks for the answer to my other question it was helpful but heres another one for ya.my germen sheperd always pulls the leash when i take him to walk it is soo tiring to take hime because he is soo strong.also i feed him and my golden retriever puppy a…...
    General Dog Discussions : what can i do to have a better walk with my dogs and what kind of dog food do you recommend?...

    • what can i do to have a better walk with my dogs and what kind of dog food do you recommend?

      what can i do to have a better walk with my dogs and what kind of dog food do you recommend? General Dog Discussions
      thanks for the answer to my other question it was helpful but heres another one for ya.my germen sheperd always pulls the leash when i take him to walk it is soo tiring to take hime because he is soo strong.also i feed him and my golden retriever puppy a dog food called exceed they do love it but i am worried that my puupy isnt getting enough vitamins although i do give them meat often.what kind of tricks do you think would be helpful for my two dogs to know .thank you i appreciate your time.

      what can i do to have a better walk with my dogs and what kind of dog food do you recommend?

      what can i do to have a better walk with my dogs and what kind of dog food do you recommend? General Dog Discussions
    • every time he pulls on the lead turn around and walk the other way, it may take a little bit of time but persistance is the key. for their diet make sure you give them pleanty of fresh bones as this also helps their teeth. if your not sure on what dog food to feed them see your vet.

    • they have special harnesses that stop the pulling......walmart has them......i had that same problem with my black lab......I got this harness .......it goes around the chest and over the back.....she doesn't pull at all anymore! I don't even need to use that harness anymore..........as far as food.....I found that pedigree little bites provide proper nutrition and she seems to find it tasty!

    • This is how I taught my corgi to walk on a loose lead. Let's say you want the dog on your left side. Hold the leash in your right hand. In your left hand have lots of soft yummy treats (hot dog, cheese). It needs to be soft so that it's easy for her to eat. If she has to stop to chew a crunchy treat you'll have to wait a bit for her to finish eating.Using the treat, lure the dog into position by your left side. Give the dog a bit of the treat. With the treat still in front of your dog's nose take a step forward. Your dog should follow your hand. Give her some treats. Continue doing this and you can gradually fade the treat away. Instead of constantly giving treats, give one after 2 steps, then 4 steps. You'll also want to incorporate heel or whatever command you're going to use. If the dog lags behind, call her. Make sure you only reward when she's by your side. She'll soon learn that being there equals yummy treats. You can do the same thing having the dog walk on your right side. Just hold the leash in your left hand and have the treats in your right. You want the treats to be in the hand closest to the dog for easy dispensing