How to get rid of fleas and maybe mange?

Hi, I recently rescued a really adorable puppy from this horrible lady that was just going to leave him there. I think he has mange and fleas, I am taking him to the vet today so he can get checked and vaccinated but it's still very early. Is there…

    How to get rid of fleas and maybe mange?

    Hi, I recently rescued a really adorable puppy from this horrible lady that was just going to leave him there. I think he has mange and fleas, I am taking him to the vet today so he can get checked and vaccinated but it's still very early. Is there…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to get rid of fleas and maybe mange?...

    • How to get rid of fleas and maybe mange?

      How to get rid of fleas and maybe mange? General Dog Discussions
      Hi, I recently rescued a really adorable puppy from this horrible lady that was just going to leave him there. I think he has mange and fleas, I am taking him to the vet today so he can get checked and vaccinated but it's still very early. Is there anything I can do for now he looks uncomfortable, and it bothers me too.thanks.

      How to get rid of fleas and maybe mange?

      How to get rid of fleas and maybe mange? General Dog Discussions
    • Nah, just wait a bit. They'll hook you up with the good flea preventives/treatment and they can do a skin scraping for mange. Mange can have different treatments based on the variety so it's best to wait and see what it is. In the future for flea prevention, I would recommend something like Advantage, Frontline Plus, Revolution, something like that. The first two are available at pet stores without prescriptions. Some of the other cheaper options are ineffective and even dangerous.

    • Ti Tree shampoo for dogs is very soothing. Give him a warm bath before you take him to the vet. That should make him feel better. Get some Frontline spot on, that should take care of the fleas.Hopefully, he will feel a little better after that.

    • depends on the type of mange andf the dogs imune syste sarcoptic mange is highly contagious.....demedectic mange not so much usually a dog can overcome a google search and you can learn all about it....try uc davis for some info..........Frontline will work for fleas but check with a vet before starting anything..............about mange.......... most all dogs are born with mites unless they never nursed off a lactating bitch.most dogs imune sytems are good enoug to keep the nubers of mites in check/Low to none. however dogs are like people and a number of things can cause a dog to loose control like stress catching a cold thyroid etc. etc. .........the mites live in the hair folicals and as they die the hair falls out usually so they will generally look worse as they start to get beter especially if they have generalized sarcoptic mange is another story i can't answer as muhjust stay away from grocery store products and don't assume anything...go to the vets office they will do a skin scraping and determine what if anything will be needed.there are so many differen't things that can cause it it can be an easy fix or something you have to manage for the duration.........but dont worry it's not that last golden had it bad for her whole life and she lived to around fourteen ......................GOD I MISS HER SOOOOO MUCHCinder was a good dog.........I love you girl..............ooops sorry