How do people stand selling dogs?

We had a German Shepherd for years that we raised from a puppy but I lost my job and I didn't want to be selfish, I couldn't afford her properly. I gave her to a nice family yesterday (we did a homecheck and checked vet references and everything first)…

    How do people stand selling dogs?

    We had a German Shepherd for years that we raised from a puppy but I lost my job and I didn't want to be selfish, I couldn't afford her properly. I gave her to a nice family yesterday (we did a homecheck and checked vet references and everything first)…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do people stand selling dogs?...

    • How do people stand selling dogs?

      How do people stand selling dogs? General Dog Discussions
      We had a German Shepherd for years that we raised from a puppy but I lost my job and I didn't want to be selfish, I couldn't afford her properly. I gave her to a nice family yesterday (we did a homecheck and checked vet references and everything first) and now I just feel horrible. Home life just isn't quite the same without her.How do people who breed manage selling all the puppies? How do you not get attached to them? I'm not a breeder nor ever plan to be but how do you do that year after year?

      How do people stand selling dogs?

      How do people stand selling dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • People just do it for the money. Most "breeders" don't properly care for their pups, although some do. Most of them get feed store vaccines and de-wormers which may or may not work. There are too many stray animals for us to be breeding. Why not give a home ton one that needs one?

    • Its just that everyone thinks in a different way. And because of that, they FEEL a different way. But thats just like asking "How do people butcher cows, day after day?" Or "How can people go to wars and kill people for a living?" But that is just because after a while of seeing and doing something you become numb to it. My female dog had nine puppies last year, and it was totally unplanned. We knew we didn't have the time, nor the money to properly take care of any of them. They were mutts and we had to give them all away some how and well beggars can't be choosers so we couldnt run back ground checks on any of the adopters. But the thing is, I got too attached to them. The neighbors who's dog got mine pregnant wanted two of them. One night they went out of town and the female theu adopted was gone. They were given no food and no water. The male screamed and cried that night and by morning he was gone too. I dont know what happened to them and I guess I never will but I cried that whole night. I had given each of the puppies names that I knew the owners would not keep, I had my favorites, and each time one was adopted I would cry. If it was up to me (which im glad it wasnt) I would have kept two or three of them. We gave away all the puppies on the end and got my dog neutered so it wouldnt happen again. But breeders are different. I understand them, someone has to keep the dogs going, and most full bred dogs were bred by them so its ok because you and I need them in our world to create our bestfriends. They most likely go into a state of apathy and stop caring, think about it as if they were just making toys. The sad thing though, is that when a puppy gets too old and isn't adopted, they kill them. That is the one thing I will never be able to understand.

    • I agree with Mama on this one.It is awful..I only breed after my show dogs are retired from the show ring so I need a new show dog.So I just keep the best pup from the litter.It does really soften the blow,but I do still miss the rest of the litter no matter how many times I do it.I do get attached to them.Its impossible not too especially since I start teaching the pups some basic obedience before they leave.You can help but laugh when you start working with a young pup.

    • I used to be a breeder. I used good bloodlines an healthy golden retrievers. Why did I do this? I loved seeing the smiles on peoples faces when they come to pick out a puppy. It hurt everytime the puppies went to a new home but we did it anyway. I have also lost many pet dogs that were not golden retrievers because of my parents. I do care. I know how you feel.