Is it normal to worry this much about my puppy at the vet?

My 7 month old pup Panda got bit by a kingsnake (not venoumous) on the neck this morning...his neck swelled up something horrible so we rushed him to the vet. He is staying overnight..on antibiotics and antiinflammitories. They say he will be just fine…

    Is it normal to worry this much about my puppy at the vet?

    My 7 month old pup Panda got bit by a kingsnake (not venoumous) on the neck this morning...his neck swelled up something horrible so we rushed him to the vet. He is staying overnight..on antibiotics and antiinflammitories. They say he will be just fine…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it normal to worry this much about my puppy at the vet?...

    • Is it normal to worry this much about my puppy at the vet?

      Is it normal to worry this much about my puppy at the vet? General Dog Discussions
      My 7 month old pup Panda got bit by a kingsnake (not venoumous) on the neck this morning...his neck swelled up something horrible so we rushed him to the vet. He is staying overnight..on antibiotics and antiinflammitories. They say he will be just fine and he is happy. Yet im still worried like heck...i can't get him out of my worried and afriad of somerhing unknown...and i almost want to cry..even though he is alive,well and happy. Is it normal to be like this? So worried even when your told he is alright?

      Is it normal to worry this much about my puppy at the vet?

      Is it normal to worry this much about my puppy at the vet? General Dog Discussions
    • You love your dog, so you worry, it's natural enough.Non venomous snake bits can cause infection and tetanus, when one of my dogs was bitten by a black snake, we got him to the vet and he had a tetanus shot and came home (dimwit started looking for the snake again because he wanted to play with it, but he was really sweet but goofy lab mix).Since your dog had a reaction to the bite, you are doing the right, safe thing by leaving it with the vet to be treated -- good for you.I would bet he'll be fine.