my puppy ate a highlighter will he be ok?

i dropped my pink highlighter on the floor and he got hold of it and ripped of the tip with all the ink and stuff, chase him around the house trying to get it off him but when i got to him it was gone! I looked around the house for the tip of the pen but…

    my puppy ate a highlighter will he be ok?

    i dropped my pink highlighter on the floor and he got hold of it and ripped of the tip with all the ink and stuff, chase him around the house trying to get it off him but when i got to him it was gone! I looked around the house for the tip of the pen but…...
    General Dog Discussions : my puppy ate a highlighter will he be ok?...

    • my puppy ate a highlighter will he be ok?

      my puppy ate a highlighter will he be ok? General Dog Discussions
      i dropped my pink highlighter on the floor and he got hold of it and ripped of the tip with all the ink and stuff, chase him around the house trying to get it off him but when i got to him it was gone! I looked around the house for the tip of the pen but i couldnt find it! I guess he ate it will he be ok?Info: My dogs a 5 month old pomeranian puppy.he didnt eat the whole pen.just the tip.

      my puppy ate a highlighter will he be ok?

      my puppy ate a highlighter will he be ok? General Dog Discussions
    • There are a few things you need to know...Chasing a dog is NOT the way to get it to come back to you. You as an owner or anyone else chasing a dog is the best possible game for a dog to play! It's great fun! But it can really mess up their training. If you want your dog to come back, you call their name and say come, make sure you have a big reward for the come back.A puppy couldn't possible have the time to chew up and swallow a highlighter while getting chased by someone. Be sure to have a good look around the house. Swallowing a pen that big takes a lot of time and chewing, you would have seen him for sure.My dog Loki here managed to swallow part of a plastic ruler. He is a BIG chewer! However, we noticed straight away that something was not right because he was constantly spewing up. If your dog has any problems, your best idea would be to see the vet.ADD" Just check what the pen says. If it is not toxic, all should be fine. If it comes down in the wrong spot problems can happen. Wait and see if there is problems you should notice spewing, not eating, depression...that sort of thing

    • I found this number for animal poison control in North America(through the SPCA) The website says it's available 24 hrs... give them a call if you're worried.1(888) 426-4435

    • um, well to tell you the truth, maybe to be on the safe side, you should take it to the vet. highlighters are not toxic, but for a puppy and depending on how much was digested, you should really seek medical attention just to make sure. plus it could very well rip something on the way out. best to be safe then sorry and take it to the vet. even if it is not toxic, remember that he still needs to poop it out and that might be dangerous.