I'm 35 weeks pregnant and my new puppy has tapeworms. Is this dangerous for me and the baby?

I just noticed them today. He was itching his butt on the floor and I looked and there were two little tapeworms around his butt area. I put him outside and I am washing all my sheets and blankets. I'm freaking out. Can I get tapeworms from my puppy?

    I'm 35 weeks pregnant and my new puppy has tapeworms. Is this dangerous for me and the baby?

    I just noticed them today. He was itching his butt on the floor and I looked and there were two little tapeworms around his butt area. I put him outside and I am washing all my sheets and blankets. I'm freaking out. Can I get tapeworms from my puppy?...
    General Dog Discussions : I'm 35 weeks pregnant and my new puppy has tapeworms. Is this dangerous for me and the baby?...

    • I'm 35 weeks pregnant and my new puppy has tapeworms. Is this dangerous for me and the baby?

      I'm 35 weeks pregnant and my new puppy has tapeworms. Is this dangerous for me and the baby? General Dog Discussions
      I just noticed them today. He was itching his butt on the floor and I looked and there were two little tapeworms around his butt area. I put him outside and I am washing all my sheets and blankets. I'm freaking out. Can I get tapeworms from my puppy?

      I'm 35 weeks pregnant and my new puppy has tapeworms. Is this dangerous for me and the baby?

      I'm 35 weeks pregnant and my new puppy has tapeworms. Is this dangerous for me and the baby? General Dog Discussions
    • Yeah. The tapeworms are lying eggs inside your intestines and thousands of them are now digging through the intestine walls and into your womb as I speak

    • It's bad, but not as bad as you think. You just have to stay clean, and go with a good dewormer.Weather they need it or not I deworm my dogs once a month, it's an OTC item, and not harmful to the dog.I use Panacur C

    • You get them through ingestion. Just use proper hygiene and there won't be a problem. Just to let you know, Tapeworm comes from fleas. So, whether you know it or not, you also have a flea problem.

    • It's remotely possible but highly improbable. You would need to have swallowed one of the tapeworm segments that contain eggs to get tapeworms from your dog.Your dog must also have fleas and that's where he got the tapeworm from. Take him to the vet and get him onto a monthly flea preventative and a regular deworming schedule. He needs an all wormer to get rid of the tapeworm, ordinary wormers won't get rid of it. The vet will advise you.You're certainly taking on a lot with a new puppy and a baby due in 5 weeks. You had better put a concentrated effort into house training this pup before the baby arrives. Caring for a newborn takes time and and you will be sleep deprived. Caring for a puppy at the same time will not be easy because pups need a lot of time spent on them as well.

    • No you cannot get tapeworms, tapeworms are not a big deal. Just get dewormer and pick up his poop all the time after getting the dewormer depending on the worms, you will start to see worms in the poo. Make sure your throw the worms away so he wont get it. With puppies and shelter dogs they always have intestinal parasites and/or fleas.

    • Don't just put the poor pup out, get him to the vet for a fecal and to be de=wormed.There is one type of tapeworm that is cross species, but unless you eat fleas that carry the tapeworm, you aren't in much danger.However, your dog absolutely needs to be de-wormed or he'll get sick.By the way, doesn't sound like tapeworm at all, sounds like some other intestinal parasite - pup needs to be checked by a vet to see what type of worm he has. Take a sample of his poop with the worms in it if you can.This is a really bad time for you to get a puppy, you will have plenty to do with a new baby, why would you get a puppy that is also like a baby and needs lots of time and attention.Consider rehoming that puppy while he's still cute, bet you'll want to do just that once your baby is born and you are overwhelmed with its care, so get that puppy into a good home now.

    • Every things going to be fine. All you have todo is make an appointment for the vet and and get him wormed and set up a monthly prevenative so the pup doesent get them back. For you at 35 weeks i guess you are going weekly to your doc. right, just tell him that your pup has worms when you took him to the vet and ask what should you do. Worst case you will probley end up takeing 1 or 2 doses of meds for your self. The baby probley want even have to. More than likely you want either though so dont freakout its going to be fine.