Pitbull has pneumonia, on clavomox but eye mucous and vomits yellow bile?

I am wondering what other steps can be taken or alternate possible diagnoses and whether we should just keep with the meds or take him to another vet again as we are simply out of money and can't afford a slew of expensive tests and scans after already…

    Pitbull has pneumonia, on clavomox but eye mucous and vomits yellow bile?

    I am wondering what other steps can be taken or alternate possible diagnoses and whether we should just keep with the meds or take him to another vet again as we are simply out of money and can't afford a slew of expensive tests and scans after already…...
    General Dog Discussions : Pitbull has pneumonia, on clavomox but eye mucous and vomits yellow bile?...

    • Pitbull has pneumonia, on clavomox but eye mucous and vomits yellow bile?

      Pitbull has pneumonia, on clavomox but eye mucous and vomits yellow bile? General Dog Discussions
      I am wondering what other steps can be taken or alternate possible diagnoses and whether we should just keep with the meds or take him to another vet again as we are simply out of money and can't afford a slew of expensive tests and scans after already costing $800 at this point..So our almost 2 year old pitbull (mix? - mystery stray puppy looks like staffordshire but smaller and not as bulky) isn't feeling well today. He was happy enough to lick my plate of the gravy and mashed potatoes that were stuck to the plate but that were not even enough left to make a spoonful when I finished lunch, and was REALLY active on Sunday romping around with Mom's new dog in the yard on Easter. He has always been a little "barfy" and I assumed it was just a sensitivity to food changes so we try to keep it steady for him with not much variation. About three weeks back, we think someone had gotten into the yard and maybe had to pull him off by his collar since he came in from the yard without it one night and coughing. He had several more bouts of chuffing that night before we took him to the emergency vet when he coughed up a little blood, The vet did some xrays and determined that he did have some fluid in the lungs, so we got some meds that he has been on 2x daily for the last 3 weeks or so, and no more blood after that first night, and the cough went away almost immediately. We aren't sure what happened since we never found the collar, and the vet said that trauma was the most likely cause since his pneumonia wasn't bad enough that he should have had blood since that usually happens in more advanced cases. The vet only gave us two weeks worth of meds at first, but after the last day, he coughed once or twice that weekend and we brought him back for them to tell us it usually takes 6-8 weeks anyway! So after about 3 days off the meds we got some him more but the cough has started to creep back recently from time to time - not a lot, just one or two chuffs over a few nights time. He isn't off his chow or anything, and is generally in good enough spirits to run in circles chasing his tail as is his habit to do, and he is a pretty tough pup despite his paper stomach. When we found him, he had Parvo, but got over it in about 3 days time and never quit eating or drinking on his own and actually put on 5 pounds that week and only threw up a little bit on one day. Since then he had surgery to remove some extra teeth that didn't come out on their own and had to be de-wormed a couple times from the fleas, but his initial blood tests all came back fine and he's had a lovely time of play hard days and sleep hard nights until this recent scare. This afternoon he clearly doesn't feel too good, but he isn't hiding under the bed or anything. I am concerned though since his eyes were boogery again this afternoon after wiping them this morning even though he is on the antibiotics every 12 hours already, and after licking the gravy traces off the plate yarfed up a nice handful of yellow slime which I assume is mostly mucus and bile, and I am guessing it was the excess snot he's been swallowing that made him nauseous, He hasn't brought anything else up, though. Ate well early in the morning or late last night and no diarrhea that I have seen (large normal poop on Sunday, didn't see yesterday though). He is resting next to me now and isn't getting worse or vomiting or coughing any more, but he isn't as chipper as he has been, but that could easily be the nausea dampening the spirits as opposed to genuine listlessness. He was running like a maniac on Sunday having a ball, though. Should I be worried or is this just par for the course of getting through the pneumonia? What else can we do for him? I am beyond broke and getting frustrated with worry. But SOMETHING is going on since he has been getting some mucous from the eyes a little - what we call "eye boogers" and that doesn't seem to be getting better, but worse. I's not runny like watery, but more rubbery and collecting into a small ball in the corner of the eye. I have noticed myself also feeling pretty stuffy and snotty too this weekend so I am wondering if it might be something environmental in the air or what? Any ideas would be appreciated. I am a little at a loss as to what to do next. Do we take him in again or wait a little more to see if it improves? The eye thing seems to be a sign of something but I have no idea what.

      Pitbull has pneumonia, on clavomox but eye mucous and vomits yellow bile?

      Pitbull has pneumonia, on clavomox but eye mucous and vomits yellow bile? General Dog Discussions
    • If your dog has clear eye discharge, chances are good it's caused by allergies or something physical, like dust in the eye or wind blowing in the face. A watery discharge or mucus from one eye is often a sign of a foreign body, like an eyelash, while yellow-green or pus-like eye discharge could indicate a serious infection. My boyfriends pit bull has eye boogers all the time right now from allergies. But considering your dog had this other ailment, which your vet really should have talked to you more about it and should have told you it would have taken 6 to 8 weeks anyways, it may be connected. I would call and ask them any questions you have, and also call another vet and explain and see if you should go in. Some vets have payment plans as well, so you may want to go get a second opinion. Really keep up with the medication, especially antibiotics need to be used right all the way up until the end of treatment when no pills are left. Your pet may feel better, but he clearly is not completely over this. Give him a little more time and observation before taking him to the vet again.