Is raw chicken bones safe to my Saint puppy?

Well , I know that cooked chicken bones can be very harmful , but what about raw chicken bones , is it safe to feed to my 2 months saint bernard puppy?? or should i just stick with other kind of bones?

    Is raw chicken bones safe to my Saint puppy?

    Well , I know that cooked chicken bones can be very harmful , but what about raw chicken bones , is it safe to feed to my 2 months saint bernard puppy?? or should i just stick with other kind of bones?...
    General Dog Discussions : Is raw chicken bones safe to my Saint puppy?...

    • Is raw chicken bones safe to my Saint puppy?

      Is raw chicken bones safe to my Saint puppy? General Dog Discussions
      Well , I know that cooked chicken bones can be very harmful , but what about raw chicken bones , is it safe to feed to my 2 months saint bernard puppy?? or should i just stick with other kind of bones?

      Is raw chicken bones safe to my Saint puppy?

      Is raw chicken bones safe to my Saint puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • They're fine. Look up raw meat diets. My dogs are on a raw meat diet, and I will never go back to processed dog food. Well, you get the idea. There are a ton of websites.Edit: Bones *can* be a choking hazard, but dogs can choke on dog food, water, etc. It's a rare occurrence, and usually owners aren't watching the dogs too well when this happens.This is a show breeder's puppies eating a raw chicken carcass. dogs have eaten bones for over 20 years and haven't had any problems.I will tell you most vets are NOT keen on raw meat diets, but there are some holistic ones that are. Some of the ones on this list are. reason most vets aren't keen on the idea is because they haven't studied it themselves. I didn't consult a vet. Why? Because we were going to be told all this false propaganda, and would have been sold yet more pills that weren't doing any good. After several vet visits, I was in the hole several hundred dollars.

    • NO SMALL BONES AT ALL, cooked or raw. It's a serious choking hazard. give him only large beef or pork bones that he can chew on but not possibly swallow.

    • If you want to go that route, wings and backs are the safest, but you can get professional advice about feeding raw and the nutrition requirements when you do from this site;http://www.monicasegal.comCheck her pamphlets. They are very inexpensive, and she has one on how to feed raw safely.Her books are the best too, but for what you want to do you only need her pamphlet.

    • NO THEY ARE MOST DEFINITLY NOT!!!!my dog got a bone and it pierced his stomach and had to have a very expensive operationand it took him ages to get better againhe couldnt eat any solids for weeks

    • The best bit to start an eight week old off with is the very wing tips. I use these and then cut the bones out of the other two parts of the wing to start with. Also carcass is good for them at that age and chopped in at least half. Go onto the many raw sites (including the one linked above) and look for puppy diet. A lot of people leave 8 week olds tucking into a big selection of meats.

    • People these days, who feed a raw diet, do use raw chicken wings etc. but for me, I prefer not to risk using uncooked chicken. If I feed chicken it's cooked, and I do NOT feed the bones.I also think, at 2 months, your puppy Saint would be far better being fed on a good quality Puppy Food - check with his breeder re what's good to feed him, at his age.

    • you should never feed raw chicken leg bones or bones that break into sharp pieces to a puppy or dog. They can get stuck in the dogs throat and it may not survive. Ribs (beef) are ideal as they are soft and do not break apart into dangerous splinters. Your local vet will advise you or their may be something on the net.