My dog is acting strange what might be wrong with her she is a little puppy?

We have had our puppy for a little over a week now and she is having diarrhea and won't play with our other dog. It started today normally she plays with the other dog and they wrestle but she has to go out every few minutes to poop and she goes and lays…

    My dog is acting strange what might be wrong with her she is a little puppy?

    We have had our puppy for a little over a week now and she is having diarrhea and won't play with our other dog. It started today normally she plays with the other dog and they wrestle but she has to go out every few minutes to poop and she goes and lays…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is acting strange what might be wrong with her she is a little puppy?...

    • My dog is acting strange what might be wrong with her she is a little puppy?

      My dog is acting strange what might be wrong with her she is a little puppy? General Dog Discussions
      We have had our puppy for a little over a week now and she is having diarrhea and won't play with our other dog. It started today normally she plays with the other dog and they wrestle but she has to go out every few minutes to poop and she goes and lays back down I am kind of worried about her she just had her first puppy shot and she was with me at a barbecue yesterday. We bought new treats and she has had diarrhea all night and day I am scared she caught parvo we have fallen in love with her

      My dog is acting strange what might be wrong with her she is a little puppy?

      My dog is acting strange what might be wrong with her she is a little puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • The only thing you can do is take your puppy to the vet and have her checked out and tested. Could she have gotten into anything she should not have at the Barbecue? Parvo is always a possibility and that's why it's so important that you get her to a vet ASAP. If she does in fact have Parvo and you don't get her to a vet fast enough she will die and Parvo is an Agonizing way for a puppy to die. The sooner you get her to the vet the better. Diarrhea causes Dehydration and Dehydration kills dogs. Puppies go downhill extremely fast when they get sick. Emergency Vets are open 24 hours. You can find one in your yellow pages under Veterinarians. Please for her sake to be on the safe side, take her to an Emergency Vet NOW. If you don't get her to an Emergency Vet NOW, you may have to start digging a hole in your backyard to bury her in.

    • You're taking a little puppy out in public AND to a barbecue? Bad idea. She needs to be kept away from anyplace a sick dog may have walked until she is over 12 weeks old. Barbecue at any time is bad. Someone probably gave her a bite of something. BBQ sauce is terrible in a dog's gut. If the diarrhea doesn't clear up in a day or two, or if she begins to vomit at anytime, then she'll need to go back to your veterinarian. (This is why having an examination within 48 hours of acquiring a puppy is so important. Establish a medical record I case of future emergency.)