Have/Would you ever consider culling a puppy, or even and entire litter?

Would you?What would be the reason that you would find in necessary?Why would you not do it?I really want to know how you feel on this!

    Have/Would you ever consider culling a puppy, or even and entire litter?

    Would you?What would be the reason that you would find in necessary?Why would you not do it?I really want to know how you feel on this!...
    General Dog Discussions : Have/Would you ever consider culling a puppy, or even and entire litter?...

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    • Have/Would you ever consider culling a puppy, or even and entire litter?

      Have/Would you ever consider culling a puppy, or even and entire litter? General Dog Discussions
      Would you?What would be the reason that you would find in necessary?Why would you not do it?I really want to know how you feel on this!

      Have/Would you ever consider culling a puppy, or even and entire litter?

      Have/Would you ever consider culling a puppy, or even and entire litter? General Dog Discussions
    • I would abort an entire litter because my dogs are pet quality and I know NOTHING of whelping.I believe culling is necessary when health issues will cause a poor quality of life.

    • Depends on what you mean by culling... if you mean "remove from the gene pool by spay/neuter" then Yes, I have culled an entire litter.If you mean culling as in euthanizing.. no, I haven't had to but if the situation warranted it (cleft palate, life limiting deformity) I would. I'd probably cry, but I would do it.A friend of mine had a GSD b*tch who was used to guard the house/farm. She also had a kennel of Sams. The GSD climbed the fence into one of the Sam's pens and ended up pregnant. My friend culled all but one of the litter. These dogs would not have been suitable pets. I don't think I could have done that but absolutely understand why she did it.

    • there is only 1 reason i would "cull" any puppy and that would be if the puppy was in serious pain with no hope of surviving and/or being in devastating pain its entire life.i do breed very occasionally and any puppy that isnt SHOW quality is sent home on a spay/neuter contract as PETS only, no reason to cull in this day and age, just take nessicary precautions to protect the breed itself, breed corretly, only pysically mentally and helthy sound dogs who fit the breed standard and have been shown/proven their worth as breeding stock...any puppies that do not turn out in such a way as to better serve the future of the breed should be sent to a pet only home and not bred.culling is a barbaric parctice on HEALTHY puppies/litters...for health defects (ie sever hydrocephalus, puppies born undeveloped ect then ok, but those are EXTREEM cases, and even then it is doen BY A VET! humanely and legally, there is absolutly no reason to drown or otherwise kill litters in other barbarric ways!i do not feel that emergency spays and abortions are CULLING, i throughtly encorage people whos females have been accidentally bred to spay their dog imediatly or get the homronal shot to stop any litter production before it realy develops.Raising a litter of puppies is simply not for most people and id rather see a female get an emergency spay than see 10-13 more puppies in a shelter because joe shmoe let his female get pregnant and couldnt find good homes for the pups ect.

    • I would, but only if there would be no chance to have a good life, such as for medical reasons.I would not do it just because the puppies were unexpected. I think that having a spay/neuter contract going with the puppies is the best thing to do.

    • The only circumstance where I would would be in the case of a water puppy. I thankfully have never had one and don't breed a breed that is prone to water puppies. The puppies suffer immensely to a slow unavoidable death, if I had one I would have it instantly and humanely euthanized. My dogs bloodlines have been researched to avoid double dilute genes like white collies that are deaf/blind and such, but if I had one, no I would not cull it, but keep it til an older age to touch train it myself and place it in a home with adults who understood their dog had special needs. And I would avoid crossing those two bloodlines in the future. All my dogs are sold on a spay/neuter contract anyways so that would not be a concern. I find it abhorrent to put a dog to death, because it has special needs. But I may be biased, I also have a special needs child.Vintage ColliesJust as a note to the person below:As far as spay/neuter contracts there ARE ways to enforce them. For one, if drawn up correctly they are a legally binding contract, which leaves you legal routes to take if nothing else, but goodness me, what I mess I would be in if I was such a poor judge of character to ever have to use it! My health guarantee for my puppies, which is one of the best out there, is voided if the details of the contracts are not followed. Every puppy goes to a rigorously pre screened home, and I keep in touch pretty frequently with all the owners of the dogs I have bred. I also take an extra deposit at the time the puppy leaves the premises which is returned upon proof of altering :) I've never had a single altering contract broken.

    • Yes, I would. Obviously, certain health issues would call for it. If the dog's quality of life would suffer from the health issues, then it is necessary.The problem I have with removing from the gene pool with spaying/neutering is... how easy is it to really enforce? Sure, they would sign a contract stating they would, but how do you really know? That is what gets me with "culling" by sterilization, as opposed to "culling" by euthanasia. Which is why I seriously doubt I could ever be a breeder.

    • No I have not, but yet I would.I agree with Animal Artwork. As far as terminating life, it would have to be a debilitating defect that would not allow the pup to lead a normal life. This is humanely euthanizing an animal that could live in a great deal of pain and a very short time.I would also not hesitate to require a full litter to be s/n either.

    • Perhaps because I'm older and was raised when there was a different mind set than what is prevalent in todays world, I have and would cull a puppy. I can think of several instances where not doing it would be absolutely inhumane.How far down do you want to let a puppy go that is suffering from fading puppy syndrome before you put it down? How about a puppy with a severe cleft pallet? An inoperable heart murmur? The list goes on.Doesn't mean that anyone likes doing it, it is just a responsibility that one assumes when breeding animals.My advise is that if a person would let a puppy suffer in order to spare their personal feelings, maybe they have no business breeding.

    • we have learned to associate the word "culling" with "killing"Culling dogs, by technicality, is removing something from the gene pool/ breeding program.. spay and neuter is a method of culling. At one point it was acceptable to kill "inferior" pups.. they did not have methods of spay/neuter.. and there was a time when people just didnt keep "pet" dogs.. dogs worked and earned their keep, few people could afford to keep a dog just to have a pet... so it was pointless to let pups go as "pets". Keeping and breeding purebred dogs was for the wealthy.With advances in technology, economics and civilization, we dont have the need to simply kill a pup just because its not acceptable as the breed.. it can be spayed and neutered and sold as a pet. Spay and nueter are the modern methods of removing "inferior" dogs from the gene pool.So would I cull a puppy? Yes if I didnt feel it was breeding quality, I would cull it by having it spayed or neutered.. would I do this to an entire litter? If I felt none of the pups had anything to offer to future generations, yes.. I'd have them all spayed and neutered.

    • If a pup was born with a deformity or condition that would contribute to poor quality of life then yes I would have it euthanised. I believe that it is unfair to condemn a dog to a lifetime of pain, surguries or ill health because of sentiment.If I had a dog fall pregnant by accident then I would take care of the problem before the birth rather than wait.

    • If you mean killing, I would cull a pup that had a physical problem that would make for poor quality of life. I would NOT cull simply for being faulty, such a dog would still make someone a good pet, although I would require it be S/N.I ONCE culled an entire litter. A friend allowed my setter bitch to be accidentally impregnated by the local Border Collie. I already had a litter of Bassets, I was living in a 14 foot travel trailer, and the area I was living in was basically redneck territory. I knew that even if I managed to find them homes, the quality of life for a bunch of large, hairy mongrels in that area would be poor. (For example, the dog belonging to the people I was staying with had her head cut open from being kicked by a horse. They did not take her to the vet, she simply had a large hole in the top of her head until it finally healed over. She was not spayed and had litter after litter of puppies.) So I had them put down at birth instead.

    • Starting w/the facts that "culling" means sorting choosing grading winnowing,etc. & not necessarily killing.....I've put down deformed/defective neonates.I've euthanized older pups w/serious defects take took longer to diagnose.I wouldn't euth. a mis-mark or a bad bite or some other major fault but they would NOT be bred. Hel*,I've sold GORGEOUS "except for..." minor faults pups.I've never had an oooops breeding,but would find nothing "wrong" in spaying an accidentally bred "foundling" no matter how far along.Would I do a whole litter of mutts? Probably. & feel guilty later? Nope.