Why is my puppy biting itself like crazy?

Does it have to be fleas? This thing is biting itself like crazy, it could hardly breathe she's biting so hard.

    Why is my puppy biting itself like crazy?

    Does it have to be fleas? This thing is biting itself like crazy, it could hardly breathe she's biting so hard....
    General Dog Discussions : Why is my puppy biting itself like crazy?...

    • Why is my puppy biting itself like crazy?

      Why is my puppy biting itself like crazy? General Dog Discussions
      Does it have to be fleas? This thing is biting itself like crazy, it could hardly breathe she's biting so hard.

      Why is my puppy biting itself like crazy?

      Why is my puppy biting itself like crazy? General Dog Discussions
    • It doesn't HAVE to be fleas, but that's what it probably is. Check her skin really good. If you see black dotting under her coat, that is flea dirt (poop). Do NOT buy OTC flea medications - they can make your dog very ill. Get meds from your vet.

    • Could be she has fleas or it could be a skin allergy. Check her fur thoroughly and if you don't see any then try changing your shampoo. Or it could be just regular allergies. It's safe to give them benedryl as LONG as you only give one 25mg capsule per every 25 pounds. I my dog was 50lbs so I could give him 2 at a time. If they are smaller then 25 pounds call your vet. They may want to see her about the itching anyway

    • More than likely fleas, just get some Frontline Plus and you're good. :)It COULD be dry skin though, so you can buy oatmeal shampoo and use it on her every time you bathe her. Good Luck!!

    • You might not give much thought to dog skin cancer, because your loyal companion is covered with hair and protected from the sun. But you should know that skin tumors, which may be cancerous, are the most common tumors found in dogs. Fortunately, when caught early, many cases of dog skin cancer can be treated successfully. She also might have a skin irritation or he could be allergic to the grass OR something else in his new environment. Look up "atopy in dogs", that's what it sounds like-there is a lot of info re: this. With this problem exposure to an inhaled allergen like pollen can make the pup itchy all over (since you have seen no particular red spots or bites, irritation etc.) Also flea bites can cause a response like this in sensitive dogs. Is he licking or itching certain areas of his body more than others? If he is just biting everywhere on his body, its probably not fleas, or you just have a crazy infestation of them on your dog. All you would need to do for that is go to a pet store and buy some flea meds, or you could spend a little more money for stuff that would work better at your local vet. Look out for any sign of secondary infection due to the scratching of the skin, etc. When is your next vet visit? You should discuss this with them, but if you see signs of infection you should take him in right away for treatment. You can always just call up the vet to just be sure. Here are a few links for skin problems in dogs. Link 1 is for skin irritation treatment, link 2 has a little bit of info for skin cancer in dogs, and link 3 is a really good web site on cancer for dogs. Hope it helped ;) http://www.vetinfo.com/dog-skin-irritation-treatment.html http://www.natural-dog-health-remedies.com/skin-cancer-in-dogs.html http://www.caninecancer.com/skincancer.htmlhttp://www.natural-dog-health-remedies.com/skin-cancer-in-dogs.html

    • If your dog is not on a monthly flea preventative I would bet she has a flea infestation and by the sound of it, a heavy flea infestation.If you give her a Capstar tablet it will kill the fleas on the dog but it won't do a thing to stop the cycle of reinfestation. Flea eggs and larvae live in the environment so you will need to treat your house as well or the dog will keep being reinfested on a daily basis as the flea eggs hatch. Your dog will definitely have tapeworm if it has fleas. Tapeworm comes from ingesting fleas so you need to buy an all wormer from the vet that does tape worm and deworm your dog. Not every wormer takes care of tapeworm so make sure you get one that does.A flea comb will do very little to get rid of fleas. It will find some of the fleas on the dog and thats all it will do. I won't get rid of the infestation because most fleas don't live on the dog, they live in the carpet and furnishings and jump onto the dog to feed.It's much easier to prevent fleas in the first place by giving the dog a monthly flea preventative than to deal with an established flea infestation.