How do I stop my 18 month old dogs from eating their feces?

I do not know why but I noticed they both started eating their own feces about a week ago. Usually I clean it up pretty quick, but they started taking care of it themselves if I am not standing right over them to stop them from eating it. Could it be a…

    How do I stop my 18 month old dogs from eating their feces?

    I do not know why but I noticed they both started eating their own feces about a week ago. Usually I clean it up pretty quick, but they started taking care of it themselves if I am not standing right over them to stop them from eating it. Could it be a…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I stop my 18 month old dogs from eating their feces?...

    • How do I stop my 18 month old dogs from eating their feces?

      How do I stop my 18 month old dogs from eating their feces? General Dog Discussions
      I do not know why but I noticed they both started eating their own feces about a week ago. Usually I clean it up pretty quick, but they started taking care of it themselves if I am not standing right over them to stop them from eating it. Could it be a dietary issue? I am still feeding them small bites puppy food because they still have not lost all their baby teeth. Hopefully someone out there has some experience I would like to avoid a vet bill. Thanks for any advise.

      How do I stop my 18 month old dogs from eating their feces?

      How do I stop my 18 month old dogs from eating their feces? General Dog Discussions
    • You need to see a vet regardless. 18 month old dogs should NOT still have baby teeth, and if they do, it can cause severe infection, overcrowding, and permanent damage. Make an appointment ASAP, and talk to the vet about the fece eating. They may recommend an oral product like ForBid.

    • Slowly switch them to a easily digestible adult diet. It should say on the bag that it is easily digestible or something like that. Undigested food often smells like it did when it went in the first time so dogs tend to eat it because it smells like their food. I know that sounds gross but that's is what my vet said. When I switched my dog to a easier on the stomach diet, he stopped eating his pooh. He slips up every now and then but doesn't do it quit as often as he used to.

    • I know it's disturbing, but this is a very common problem in urban dogs...Unfortanately, unless you are there every single second of every single day, you can't make the habit go away without chemicals..Please try this.

    • When a dog, or puppy eats it's own feces, it is because the food has gone through them too fast, and their is still much of the nutrient in their dung. You should hand feed them very slowly, a little bite here, and a little bite there. It should take half an hour to actually finish their meal, they need to slow down their eating habits, not gulp up the food too fast. DON"T leave them plenty of food in their food dish, and be careful not to feed them snacks in between.. Try that, and if they still are eating their feces, you will need to see a Vet. Their teeth at over a year and a half sounds wrong as well... by now, their adult canine teeth should be in place, not their baby teeth any longer...

    • Switch over to adult food(unless they are large breed dogs) If you would like the dogs to stop eating their feces, either give them pumkin(canned, but NOT the pie filling) or pieces of pinaple, when digested, this makes their poop smell and taste AWFUL!

    • Your dogs should not be eating puppy food. Dogs lose their puppy teeth at about 5 months old. That was over a year ago for them. I second the advice about feeding a more digestible food. Two of the most easily digested foods are National and Blackwood. They are made at lower temperatures than most other foods. That makes them easier to digest. I also suggest making sure they get enough to eat. If they don't feel hungry they are less likely to eat crap.

    • Even a dog likes a hot meal.. lol I know its gross but true..I would say its time to switch to adult dog food..Also if your dog is gulping the food you need to make them slow down.Hand feed them, for like a week . The "Dog Whisperer" did a thing on this.

    • There is a powder that you put in their food that makes the feces taste disgusting to them. I think it is called Forbid. I had the same problem with my pups. It works. Check with your Vet. or your pet store.

    • You can take the following method, so that dogs no longer eat feces.1、To the dogs lack of biological elements: You can buy medicines containing composite elements and minerals from local pet hospital,feed your dog by his weight. In addition, try to get your dog into the habit of eatting dog food. Even if your dog was used to eat human food, you should try to change his habit. For example, you can mix few dog food into his food at first and increase dog food mixed into gradually.For more info: