Who should watch my dog for my wedding?

I'm getting married in October. My fiance and I have a (currently) 7 month old black lab / border collie puppy. I'm having trouble trying to figure out who I can trust to watch him for about 2 days. Everyone that I trust will obviously be at our wedding.…

    Who should watch my dog for my wedding?

    I'm getting married in October. My fiance and I have a (currently) 7 month old black lab / border collie puppy. I'm having trouble trying to figure out who I can trust to watch him for about 2 days. Everyone that I trust will obviously be at our wedding.…...
    General Dog Discussions : Who should watch my dog for my wedding?...

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    • Who should watch my dog for my wedding?

      Who should watch my dog for my wedding? General Dog Discussions
      I'm getting married in October. My fiance and I have a (currently) 7 month old black lab / border collie puppy. I'm having trouble trying to figure out who I can trust to watch him for about 2 days. Everyone that I trust will obviously be at our wedding. The reason I'm having an issue with this is because as of right now, he's a little "mouthy". The border collie shows much more than the lab and he does try to "herd" us. He does bite sleeves, pant legs, and shoes on occasion. He is very good with other people / kids / and other dogs. The only person that's ever watched him before is my future mother-in-law who watched him everyday while we were at work but she'll be at the wedding as well. By the time we get married he'll be almost 15 months old and will (hopefully) be out of that phase. He's gotten much better but I still worry about that. On top of it he does have some separation anxiety (he's a rescue and has had this issue ever since we got him). My fiance will be with him the night before, but we'll need someone to watch him the day of the wedding and overnight. Do I leave him with my in-laws and just have someone go and check him throughout the day and they'll be home later that night? My fiance keeps telling me not to worry about it, but he hasn't gone that long without us since we got him and I just worry about his "attitude". Please help!

      Who should watch my dog for my wedding?

      Who should watch my dog for my wedding? General Dog Discussions
    • Why burden your in-laws with him when they should be enjoying your special day too? Put him in a boarding kennel. That's what they're there for, and they are used to handling dogs with separation anxiety. Ask friends for a referral or phone your vet for one.

    • Why don't you enroll him in school and instead of chancing his getting older/wiser help him become the best so you can board him at a professional dog kennel and he can be in a day care setting with other dogs during day and then go to his room at night?

    • Go to http://dogvacay.com/ they have pet care sitters in every area i swear they either sit your dog at your house or there house, some even groom, bath, and walk your dog. Or search for a local pet care center that boards over night.