My brother used my dog to impregnate his 10 month old bitch aganst my wishes!?

What should I do?My dog is an 8 yr old ridgeback X lab.My brother came over to my house while I was out with friends and let his bitch out into the yard with my dog,knowing full well she was in heat.Can I do anything about this or report him to any…

    My brother used my dog to impregnate his 10 month old bitch aganst my wishes!?

    What should I do?My dog is an 8 yr old ridgeback X lab.My brother came over to my house while I was out with friends and let his bitch out into the yard with my dog,knowing full well she was in heat.Can I do anything about this or report him to any…...
    General Dog Discussions : My brother used my dog to impregnate his 10 month old bitch aganst my wishes!?...

    • My brother used my dog to impregnate his 10 month old bitch aganst my wishes!?

      My brother used my dog to impregnate his 10 month old bitch aganst my wishes!? General Dog Discussions
      What should I do?My dog is an 8 yr old ridgeback X lab.My brother came over to my house while I was out with friends and let his bitch out into the yard with my dog,knowing full well she was in heat.Can I do anything about this or report him to any one?I'm hoping that Ed is too old to impregnate her but I dont think he is.I'm sooooooooooo pissed! The retard thinks he can make $1 000 per pup (they'd be rott/lab/ridgeback) AND he says that if there are vet problems,I'M responsible for half the bill!!!!! and he wants ME to help pay for shots and stuff for the pups and he says he'll take me to court if I don't.The SPCA said they can't do anything unless he is abusing/neglecting his dog but this IS abuse,he's forcing a young pup to have puppies!What should I do?Yeah,I want to neuter him but I just don't have $400 to spare.My horses,cat,birds,guinea pigs, snake,fish,goats,pigs,sheep,llamas,donkeys,cows and rats need my money too.

      My brother used my dog to impregnate his 10 month old bitch aganst my wishes!?

      My brother used my dog to impregnate his 10 month old bitch aganst my wishes!? General Dog Discussions
    • The easy answer is to neuter your dog so he can't do it again. Although you had nothing to do with the breeding of the litter, as the owner of the stud of the litter you do have a moral obligation to make sure that the puppies are taken care of correctly. Would you let the puppies suffer just because you didn't want the breeding to happen? As for him taking you to court, unless he has a signed stud fee agreement that states you're accepting responsibility, he'd be wasting time. And let him know that the average stud fee is the price of one puppy. That'll take the wind out of his sails.But, seriously, go ahead and neuter your boy so that this can't happen again.

    • $1000 per pup? LOL!!!!! Not in a million years!No - there is nothing you can do. You should have had your dog neutered years ago. Not only would it have prevented this problem, it will also prevent your dog from getting testicular cancer. It's not too late!BTW - your brother doesn't have a leg to stand on as far as you being responsible for half of the bills unless you signed into a contract agreeing to pay half of the vet bills. Tell him to keep dreaming!ADD:$400? That is awfully high. Call around to other vets and also check with your local spay and neuter clinic and Humane Society. I'm sure you will find a less expensive vet. *SPAY/USA has over 1,000 sterilization programs and clinics nationwide with 7,000 excellent veterinarians in the network as of 2003.*

    • He has no grounds to try to get money from you for any of his vet bills. It's his fault his dog is pregnant, not yours. Yes, your brother is a retard, and you should probably just kill him. First, you should neuter your dog! It's pitiful that you've had an intact male for 8 years! Did you ever get the poor boy any nookie? Imagine how you would feel with all that testosterone and no girlfriend!! Honestly, I would take that little b*tch and get her spayed. He may raise hell about it, but once it's done, it's done, and she will be much healthier because of it! Or at the very least, take her for a "morning after" shot, which will eliminate the litter. Then keep him away from your male!

    • Tell your brother where he can shove half his vet bills.Tell him to prove it was your dog. They don't do paternity tests on dogs. You never signed a breeding contract with him either. Even if you had, most breeding contracts do not specify that the owner of the stud dog has to pay for half of any vet bills that arise from whelping the litter. Tell him to try and take you to court. You have no knowledge about the breeding other than him saying he let his dog who was in heat into your backyard without permission to mate with your dog...without permission. He doesn't have a leg to stand on.He is too old to be breeding, but you already know that. There is a chance it didn't take because of his old age and her young age, but it's a small one.At 10 months old she is WAAAAy too young to be having puppies. Dogs shouldn't be bred until they are at least 2....and those are well bred, health tested, show or working champion dogs.And $1000 per pup? lol....yeah...not likely. The pups are worth about $50-$75 each to cover the costs of their first shots.~sigh~ sometimes don't you wish you could PICK who you are related to?ETA: I will most likely get TD's for this, but it is entirely your choice to neuter or not neuter your dog. Personally, I have a spayed female and two neutered males, but that was my choice. There are benefits and risks of having an unaltered pet. The decision is yours to make, not everyone elses. I'm assuming that you kept him from breeding all these long as you are responsible and not creating unwanted litters who gives a crap if your dog is unneutered. Yes, I realize he has created a litter now, but you can hardly say it was you being irresponsible. It wasn't like he jumped the fence to get to a b i tch in heat.I personally think neutered male dogs live happier more well balanced lives, but that is my personal opinion. It isn't the only one out there.I await my TD'sETA#2~ Ummm My FEMALE didn't cost $400 to spay. I had both my boys done for $75 out the door with pain meds. Call the local shelter and ask for low cost spay/neuter clinics.

    • Your brother does not deserve the right to own an animal. I would keep an eye on him and threaten to report him for animal cruelty if he does not take excellent care of his dog. You can not be held liable. The fact that he believes that you can be held responsible shows how little he knows about the law. Tell him to go ahead and try litigation,he will be laughed out of court. He is not going to make any money from breeding, shows how little he knows about breeding. People will only pay $1,000 for a pup who is show dog quality with papers to prove spotless parentage, with championship titles. And even then, those people only buy from respectable, responsible breeders. Get your dog fixed and let's hope for the sake of the world, your brother follows this example. That is one person who has no business breeding- dogs or humans.

    • Sounds like you are an animal lover and want to take good care of your pets. So why isn't your 8 year old already neutered? There are cheaper options for neutering if you check into it. But there isn't anything you can do now. However, I wouldn't worry about his threats.

    • technically.. its not considered abuse to breed a dog.. so, you really cannot report him for anything.You are NOT responsible for any vet bills! Your brother owns the female.. he owns the litter.. HE is responsible for the vet bills! He can try to take you to court.. but he wont win.. he's the one that chose to breed his dog, he assumed that responsability of vet bills when he let her get pregnant.If you want to pay vet bills, thats your pernogative.. I would not pay any bills tho, unless there is a signed contract stating that the litter, or part of the litter, belongs to YOU.Im not sure why he thinks he can get $1,000 per pup for mongrels.. odds are, they will be black.. since they have rott and lab in the mix.. they might be brown from the ridgeback tho, but they will look like every other generic brown mutt... no one wants large, black mixed breed dogs.... generic looking brown mutts are not exactly high demand either. He will be stuck with a litter of mongrels that no one wants.