One of my puppies just had a litter, should i keep them?

LONG STORY, VERY CRUCIAL Well, it all started when my dog Bubbles got pregnant by the next door neighbors dog. I never knew she was pregnant until her whelping date. She started going into labor and I drove her to the hospital. Once there, I found out…

    One of my puppies just had a litter, should i keep them?

    LONG STORY, VERY CRUCIAL Well, it all started when my dog Bubbles got pregnant by the next door neighbors dog. I never knew she was pregnant until her whelping date. She started going into labor and I drove her to the hospital. Once there, I found out…...
    General Dog Discussions : One of my puppies just had a litter, should i keep them?...

    • One of my puppies just had a litter, should i keep them?

      One of my puppies just had a litter, should i keep them? General Dog Discussions
      LONG STORY, VERY CRUCIAL Well, it all started when my dog Bubbles got pregnant by the next door neighbors dog. I never knew she was pregnant until her whelping date. She started going into labor and I drove her to the hospital. Once there, I found out that all together she had four puppies. Unfortunately, the first born died during delivery so, so far there are three puppies. They were born March 25, 2011. Now, my puppies are almost a year old. About mid december however, I decided to give the second oldest puppy away to a friend. lIttle did I know that unfortunately the puppy's father (yes, her father) had impregnated her. It was just yesterday that I found out because the owner frantically called me and informed me that the dog just had a litter. This means that the puppies are her father's children AND grandchildren... disgusting but true. - My question is, should they be put down or given to a shelter? I believe that they should be put down because I am concerned with how many medical issues they will have. - Also, The owner has chosen to keep the dog but is not very sure she wants the puppies. I believe she wants to put them down but she wants to know my opinion. **NOTE: A couple of months after Bubbles had her babies I decided to spay her. Then, when my puppies were eight months I decided to spay them. However, Only 2 of them got spayed because the now owner of the one that I gave away (the one that just had a litter) did not want her spayed. I believe that If i had gotten her spayed in time, the babies could have been disposed of... P.S: Thank you all for the suggestions! I really don't have a clue as to how to asses this situation. I understand that I was not a responsible pet owner because I had not spayed Bubbles in the first place but now, I can assure you on my part that my dog and her puppies are spayed. As for the father, i have tried to talk to my neighbor over and over again about keeping their dog in their yard but they will not listen. It keeps sneaking off into my yard and this is most likely how Pearl got pregnant. I feel horrible as it is, but then again I am in college and I trust my parents and siblings to look after my pets...

      One of my puppies just had a litter, should i keep them?

      One of my puppies just had a litter, should i keep them? General Dog Discussions
    • 1. Don't necessarily blame the owner of the dog next door - if Pearl was in season, she would have been in that condition for some days BEFORE she was, presumably, caught by the dog next door so a huge part of all this mess is the fact that nobody in your family noticed she was in season, or did anything about at least confining her!! And you could surely put up fencing so the dog next door is kept out, even if his owner is irresponsible.2. These closely bred puppies may be okay. Don't assume things might be wrong with them until you've had them checked out by your vet!! If there's enough mix blood to begin with, chances are they won't be abnormal, necessarily.3. On that basis, much as actually now the mum has been rehomed, these puppies are not your puppies to dispose of in any case, I'd suggest they be handed into a Shelter where they are almost bound to be found good homes, fast. Puppies don't stay in Shelters for long. And hopefully this lot WILL be neutered, before being rehomed.Make sure ALL your dogs are neutered now - these 'mistakes' need to It's quite possible to keep entire dogs together without all this breeding going on!!!