Will my pregnant dog be Okay?

My 7 month old pug/ pomeranian is pregnant, and I noticed that she has been starting to eat her feces. So I purchased a Stool-Preventive that will make her not want to eat it anymore. She has been vaccinated 2 out of the 3 times for parvo and also been…

    Will my pregnant dog be Okay?

    My 7 month old pug/ pomeranian is pregnant, and I noticed that she has been starting to eat her feces. So I purchased a Stool-Preventive that will make her not want to eat it anymore. She has been vaccinated 2 out of the 3 times for parvo and also been…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my pregnant dog be Okay?...

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    • Will my pregnant dog be Okay?

      Will my pregnant dog be Okay? General Dog Discussions
      My 7 month old pug/ pomeranian is pregnant, and I noticed that she has been starting to eat her feces. So I purchased a Stool-Preventive that will make her not want to eat it anymore. She has been vaccinated 2 out of the 3 times for parvo and also been dewormed. I have also been adding a milk replacer powder to her food as a source of calcium. (I was told that the milk replacer is good for pregnant and nursing dogs, not just for newborn pups)**I have already taken her to the vet, and the vet said that since she was impregnated towards the end of her first heat cycle and not before she is perfectly fine to carry pups and give birth. I had taken her to the vet because my roommate was actually trying to breed her while I was away visiting family, and he said that his dog mounted my female dog while I was gone. I took her to the vet because I was worried that she might be too young to be carry pups and the vet said that since she was impregnated towards the end of her first heat cycle and not before she is perfectly fine to carry pups and give birth. BOTH vets vets also said that YES she is young HOWEVER she IS NOT too young to be pregnant and she will be perfectly fine.**ALSO... I DID NOT GET HER PREGNANT ON PURPOSE TO MAKE MONEY!! SO PLEASE DO NOT ACUSE ME OF DOING SO! AND IF YOU ARE GOING TO TELL ME TO SIMPLY PICK UP THE POOP THAT SHE IS EATING... ITS KINDA WHEN I WORK DURING THE DAY!! I CANT CONTROL WHAT SHE DOES OR EATS WHILE IM AT WORK!!!1. Are these tablets safe for her to take while being pregnant?2. If the tablets are NOT safe for her, Can she still contract a virus by eating her own feces if she has not yet been diagosed with any virus?3. What are some good sources of vitamin B that I can give her?** FIRST OF ALL "GREYHOUND" THIS IS NOT MY YAHOO ACCOUNT.... THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IVE POSTED A QUESTION!!! IF YOU READ MY DAM QUESTION LADY YOU'D SEE THAT MY ROOMMATE PURPOSELY BRED MY FEMALE WITH HIS MALE!!! IF I DIDNT CARE ABOUT MY DOG THEN WHY WOULD I BE ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT VITAMINS TO GIVE HER AND SUCH?!! IF YOU MUST KNOW... I HAVE A PERFECT JOB AND MAKE A FAIR AMOUNT OF $$$... SO MAKING MONEY OFF OF HER WAS NOT MY INTENTION!!! QUIT BEING SO DAM RUDE... GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT BEFORE THEM!!! SO ITS YOU THAT IS FULL OF $Hi+!!TO "GREYHOUND": I TOOK HER TO THE VET TO SEE IF I SHOULD GET AN EMERGENCY SPAY, BUT WHEN I WENT THE VET SAID SPECIFICALLY THAT SHE TOTALLY FINE TO BE PREGNANT AND GIVE BIRTH. SO TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION... I DID TAKE HER IN TO A VET TO HAVE HER EXAMINED AND ALSO TO SCHEDULE AN EMERGENCY SPAY IF THE VET SAID IT WAS NECESSARY. AND IF YOU MUST KNOW... I DO NOT PLAN ON SELLING THE PUPPIES AND HAVE ALREADY MADE AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE SAME VET TO HAVE THE PUPPIES VACCINATED WITH THEIR FIRST SERIES OF SHOTS. I HAVE ALSO CALLED CLOSE FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS WHO WANT PUPPIES BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT TO SELL THEM TO PET STORES OR SENDING THEM TO THE HUMANE SOCIETY!!

      Will my pregnant dog be Okay?

      Will my pregnant dog be Okay? General Dog Discussions
    • If it was FOR-BID then there are no reported side effects.You can get Vit D from all these: bananas, potatoes, tempeh, lentils, other whole grains, chili peppers, green vegetables, eggs, dairy products, and meats including turkey, tuna, liver. Deactivated yeast is also good. I used to feed Brewers yeast (has to not be active in any way).It is unlikely the dog will get a virus from her own poo. But if she's anything like my dog they can be lightning quick in picking up cat poo and other animal poo, especially at night when you can't see what they're walking past.Add: Stool guard muzzles and inserts can help but it's going to be difficult to find for broad faced dog. Perhaps you could fashion your own insert.Leave out the Block Capitals. That kind of breeding is far from the ideal when shelters are overflowing. However, you are where you are and need to work from there.

    • You never mentioned what breed of dog your room mate has that he bred with your b*tch. That is important information and here is why.A b*tch bred too young has difficulties just carrying a litter and if the dog was larger than the b*tch the likelihood her being able to carry let alone whelp a litter could actually kill her.I find it hard to believe that a vet would say "that since she was impregnated towards the end of her first heat cycle and not before she is perfectly fine to carry pups and give birth" That is simply absurd. There is only a certain time that a b*tch can be impregnated during the heat cycle so that statement is completely wrong. There is only a 7 day window that a b*tch will be receptive to a dog and no other time.No b*tch should be bred until she is at least 2 years old. The reason is that young b*tches are not physically mature enough to carry and whelp a litter, if she doesn't die from trying to carry the litter she more than likely will need a c-section as due to her not being physically mature she will not be able pass the pus vaginally. Emergency c-sections cost upwards of $2500. Young b*tches also are not mentally and emotionally mature enough so that most have no clue how to care for pups and many times either refuse to care for them, which leaves the owner completely responsible for caring for the litter by having to hand rear them every two hours around the clock. This means that you would be either tube, syringe or bottle feeding them every two hours as well as having to stimulate them to eliminate as they can not go to the bathroom without it until they are about 3 weeks old. Or they purposely or accidentally kill their pups.A vet would not refuse to do an emergency spay, that decision is up to the owner. So since you did not have the procedure done and are chancing her life by wanting her to carry these pups .....There is no reason to give her any supplements whats so ever..Everything she needs is in her dog food. Do NOT give her extra calcium or Vitamin B or anything else unless the vet tells you to.All the nutrition and vitamins she needs is in her dog food.At 4 weeks into the pregnancy you change her onto puppy food Now as for the pills you are giving her for eating her own feces .. Stop giving them to her ! You give a pregnant b*tch nothing extra unless your vet tells you too unless you want to end up with problems with your b*tch and then the pups.Gives her some organic pumpkin (1 dollop ) daily or a piece a couple of pieces of pineapple. It make will make her feces taste as bad as we thinks it smells and she will stop eating it.The reason why pups/dogs eat their own feces is that they can still smell food within it, this usually is from being fed a lower quality food so you may want to look into getting a high quality puppy food for her and gradually over 2 weeks switch from what you are feeding to the better food.I hope you are able to take at least 3 weeks off from work as whether or not she cares for the pups someone has to be with the b*tch and the pups for the first 3 weeks to ensure their safety. Longer if you have to hand rear them.Smaller breeds can not be homed until they are between 10-12 weeks old so I hope you have the time to properly care for all of them as well as can afford everything that comes from with breeding.Make sure that once se does, if able to, has the litter, that your room mates dog is kept away from the b*tch and her pups. More times than not a dog will kill them pups or the Dam will go after an attack any animals that come near her litter and will accidentally kill the pups while trying to protect them or she may kill the herself to keep them from falling prey to any other animals in the house.My last litter cost nearly $6000 so I hope you have that put away or at least have a credit card to cover everything you are going to need for the next 5 months.Ultrasounds, x-rays, whelping box and supplies, vet exams, de-worming medications from a vet, puppy supplemental formula, c-section, vaccinations at 8 weeks of age, contracts, etc etc etc the list is endlessBTW pet stores have brokers to get there poorly bred mutts the don't simply take dogs from people who have accidental litters. Your best bet would be to surrender them to a humane society or breed rescue so they get good home. Thinking friends may want the pups is great but more times than not when the time comes they change their minds.