Do you think it's cruel or inhuman to neuter a dog?

People keep telling me I should neuter mine but like I can keep my dog away from breeding... I just don't think it's natural that they cut his puppy stuff off. All dogs were born with it why take it away?Um I am clearly not an irresponsible person that…

    Do you think it's cruel or inhuman to neuter a dog?

    People keep telling me I should neuter mine but like I can keep my dog away from breeding... I just don't think it's natural that they cut his puppy stuff off. All dogs were born with it why take it away?Um I am clearly not an irresponsible person that…...
    General Dog Discussions : Do you think it's cruel or inhuman to neuter a dog?...

    • Do you think it's cruel or inhuman to neuter a dog?

      Do you think it's cruel or inhuman to neuter a dog? General Dog Discussions
      People keep telling me I should neuter mine but like I can keep my dog away from breeding... I just don't think it's natural that they cut his puppy stuff off. All dogs were born with it why take it away?Um I am clearly not an irresponsible person that would allow my dog to breed and jsut leave the babies around like rats.... If I were to breed my dog with a female I would take full responsibility for the babies. I just think it's cruel to cut his stuff !!! even if he is asleep during the proccess.

      Do you think it's cruel or inhuman to neuter a dog?

      Do you think it's cruel or inhuman to neuter a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • It's best to neuter/spay to prevent cancer.It is not cruel or inhuman at all. It's better for the dog for health reasons and also helps calms dogs down. They now even have testicle implants for dogs if owner prefer them to look like they still have their "stuff".

    • Nope.I am not an AR bunny hugger. What I think is cruel is allowing dogs to have litter after litter of pups who will end up rotting in some high-kill shelter waiting to be PTS before they are 6 months old.

    • This is unfortunately debatable. I personally would not neuter dogs, or castrate them; however, it actually solves many problems for the future. stops dogs impregnating and getting pregnant which could not be wanted.I don't think it is cruel or inhuman, although no matter what you do in life, someone will judge you. Neutering a dog is not worth worrying about. If I were you, I would neuter my dog just in case!:) whatever you do, do not worry about it. I don't think their is any age limit for these operations. xx

    • No this is not cruel in any way. all my days have been fixed as this cuts down on hormones. and what if your dog gets out? its gonna breed rather you like it or not and then some if not all are your responsibility. its better to get them fixed and not bring any new dogs into the world as so many are beaten,starved and left to die as it is.and if you wont get him fixed cause hes purebred, i had my purebred boxer fixed as soon as we could!

    • Cruel? no... unnecessary? with some dogs, and some owners..yesThe pros and cons of neutering should be researched and then with help of your vet, find out what's best for your dog.As for me, I'm responsible enough to own intact dogs without allowing them to become pregnant or impregnating every dog for miles..

    • It actually has its benefits.My boyfriends dog has phantom pregnancy's, so shes being sprayed in order to stop the phantoms.It also makes make dogs less boisterous and easier to manage :)

    • I agree that it is unnatural. Personally I wouldn't have my dog neutered unless there is a strong medical reason for it. I don't intend to breed from him but I don't see why I should put him through a major operation for no benefit.

    • It's cruel not to neuter him in the grand scheme of things. It's our responsibility as pet owners to spay & neuter. The reason 4 to 8 million pets are euthanized every year in the usa is because we are failing, miserably. you can't 100 percent prevent an accidental litter unless your dog is neutered. there are health benefits to neutering your dog = - It's not a big deal to neuter your dog,I have seen a dog jump out of a 3rd story apt building window trying to get to my neighbors female (unspayed!) in heat, he hung by the collar on a stormdrain for an hour while the fire dept freed him, he could've died.It may not be as easy as you think keeping him from females,

    • Well I don't think it is cruel or inhuman but I am also against spay and neuter at least until the dog has fully matured and I am talking around the three year mark. Personally I believe dogs can be kept intact and I also believe they will be healthier because of it. But with that said most pet owners can't properly look after or train there dogs and they should spay and neuter.

    • You must weigh pros and cons...The realities of neutering or spaying. Those are both MAJOR surgeries. There is the risk of a fatal reaction to the anesthesia, infection, torn sutures resulting in either hemmoraging into the abdomen or scrotum which can be fatal.If done while a puppy, it won't start nasty habits, prevents unwanted litters,prevents the spead of canine STDs, can reduce cancer risk if done anytime past 14 weeks to about 4 months of age as that is the optimal time period. You will have a less anxious dog and less marking of territory.

    • I don't think it's cruel to neuter a animal. I think its a responsible thing to do not just from the breeding aspect. Dogs who are left intact have a higher rate of cancer later in life. Take the breeding aspect into consideration. There are millions (approximately 8million) yearly put to sleep because of not enough homes. I think its inhuman to breed just to breed while others die. Besides breeding and health issues there are a variety of other reasons why a dog should be fixed. Behavior issues are less, marking is less, (for males), running away is less (to find a mate). to name a few. it is not cruel or inhumane to do what is best for your animal. He doesn't know they took anything from him after he is out of surgery. it is the human mindset that prevents it from being done and thus enables more and more animals to be born (and killed) yearly from very preventable situations.

    • Absolutely not. Vaccinations aren't natural, life saving surgery isn't natural, car rides aren't natural. If you are responsible enough to prevent unwanted pregnancies by keeping your animal away from animals in heat, then be my guest. But, if you're going to let your dog run around and impregnate bitches time after time, then fix your dog. You will wish you had fixed your dog when a female in heat has gone into heat within a quarter mile of your house.

    • The negative effects of neutering heavily outweigh the benefits. You would never subject a human to a surgical procedure with such a small upside. From this aspect, it is inhuman. Of course, dogs are not humans, so the real question is "is it incanine?"Read the article linked below carefully before deciding. It is a thorough analysis of the scientific data available regarding the effects of neutering. example:Neutering before 1 year old significantly increases the risk of osteosarcoma (bone cancer); this is a common cancer in medium/large and larger breeds, with a poor prognosis.Neutering increases the risk of cardiac hemangiosarcoma (serious cancer of the heart muscle) by a factor of 1.6.It QUADRUPLES the risk of prostate cancer, and DOUBLES the risk of urinary tract cancers.It TRIPLES the risk of hypothyroidism.It TRIPLES the risk of obesity, a common health problem in dogs with many associated health problems

    • I personally do not think it is inhumane.. and I don't think you are an irresponsible person that would let your dog breed randomly.. But in a random situation lets say he isn't neutered and he gets out of the yard and ends up impregnating a dog down the street. I have a friend who didn't spay his dog and she is constantly getting out of the yard and getting pregnant. Now, they always take care of the puppies and give them away to good homes. I believe the reason she wasn't spayed in the first place was because they had an agreement to breed her because she is a pure bred boxer.. but the last few litters have been mixes. In the end it is your choice. A neutered dog has less chances of being violent and they seem to just be calmer in general. But I've known plenty of non neutered dogs and as long as you can handle them because they will have more testosterone in them, then you should be fine! Just be careful about your yard because I think in my friends situation.. she got into his yard because she was in heat and knew he wasn't a neutered dog. Also, the neutering procedure is very safe and sanitary (just make sure you go to a reputable vet if you choose to do this) its a lot easier for a male dog to be fixed than a female. Good luck with what you choose!