Why wouldn't my vet tell me that I could have spay-aborted my dog's puppies?

I called the vet's office about 6 times the day after my house got broken into by a intact male dog, asking about how I can prevent her from having the puppies. The girl told me to wait until we know if she's pregnant for sure, and told me they can't…

    Why wouldn't my vet tell me that I could have spay-aborted my dog's puppies?

    I called the vet's office about 6 times the day after my house got broken into by a intact male dog, asking about how I can prevent her from having the puppies. The girl told me to wait until we know if she's pregnant for sure, and told me they can't…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why wouldn't my vet tell me that I could have spay-aborted my dog's puppies?...

    • Why wouldn't my vet tell me that I could have spay-aborted my dog's puppies?

      Why wouldn't my vet tell me that I could have spay-aborted my dog's puppies? General Dog Discussions
      I called the vet's office about 6 times the day after my house got broken into by a intact male dog, asking about how I can prevent her from having the puppies. The girl told me to wait until we know if she's pregnant for sure, and told me they can't tell until 53 days in (wtf? where did that number come from?). I called back and said they can tell at 21 days via ultrasound so without asking the vet, she scheduled me. I came in, paid $45 for an unnecessary check-up when the vet told me that he doesn't do ultrasounds. I had even called that day about "morning after pills" for dogs, and I got a "no" without an elaboration or alternatives. The vet brought up my call and said that they're not safe for my dog. STILL DIDN'T MENTION THE SPAYING. So I figured it was a catch-all, that the spaying wasn't safe either and that's why he didn't suggest it. But the more research I do, the more I realize it would have been the best thing to do. Now it is too late, she is too far along and I have already bought a lot of supplies.Do you think he wanted her to have the puppies for experience?**for money?** (this is what I'm thinking - he'll get paid for all the deworming, vaccinations, and checkups for the pups. not to mention the x-ray, check-ups, etc. for my Bonnie)or because he really didn't think it was safe?Should I find a new vet? I've always had great experiences with this vet, he is very intelligent and really great with my dog, when other vets have overcharged me, made my dog uncomfortable, and didn't speak English in one office. So I'm reluctant to go somewhere else, but this is pretty messed up. My poor baby is so tired all the time, getting snappy with other dogs, and I really hate to see her like this. =/By the way, this is not about me or my pregnant dog - just the vet. I know I f*cked up by not getting her spayed in the couple of months we had after she recovered from heartworms (thanks to my sister for not giving her the preventatives when she was keeping her) & before she went into heat again. I was just tired of seeing her sick, and wanted to give her a rest period. She didn't get that, did she? So trust me, I feel bad enough already. I have a couple people interested in the puppies, and the irresponsible moron that leaves his dog out all the time said he'd help find homes that I will screen to make sure they're REALLY good homes. & I've already hired an experienced breeder to come be with us while she whelps and to answer all of my questions. I'm trying to do the right thing, I really am. Anyway, enough about this part.Why wouldn't he tell me?Should I find a new vet?Ginbark:You can only neuter dogs at 7 weeks?Can you spay? & this is safe??? If so, I'll do it before I let the pups go to new homes - we don't need more accidents...

      Why wouldn't my vet tell me that I could have spay-aborted my dog's puppies?

      Why wouldn't my vet tell me that I could have spay-aborted my dog's puppies? General Dog Discussions
    • You should find a new vet. If you told the vet that you didn't want her to have pups and he didn't offer spay he was in the wrong. If your vet already offered spay prior to this incident and you told him no, you were in the wrong and it would explain why he didn't offer.

    • No idea why he would not recommend a spay, we(the rescue) have often spayed recently knocked up dogs with no problems but a slightly larger vet bill. The morning after pill doesn't always work but does make the heat run extra long and that is a pain. Plus one can euthanize the pups after birth, we have had to do that as well but usually leave 2-3 pups for the Mom to raise. Finding homes for 8 mutts that will spay or neuter them and keep them their whole lives in unlikely. In a study of AKC reg dogs more dogs from a litter lost their home then stayed in them and obviously most ended up in shelters or rescues. Pups can be neutered at 7 weeks b4 the legal age to rehome them so do that. Most shelters and rescues do jeuvy neuters and have been for over 30 yrs.

    • If you had to kill puppies in utero during this kind of a spay surgery...if you had even seen it..you wouldnt want to do it either....Vets run businesses and they can choose if they want to do a certain unneccassary surgery or not. Sounds more like he needs a new receptionist.

    • Well clearly he didn't provide you a good service by giving you information about all the options. And the receptionist was just useless. I think you should ask him why he didn't tell you about these options, complain about the receptionist giving you totally the wrong information without even bothering to correct it, and ask whether he knows any good homes for your unwanted puppies. If you are not satisfied with the answers he gives then go to another vets, as I think he may have avoided recommending you abort due to his personal bias or because he wants the extra business. I do not know about the physiology of dogs so can't comment on whether it would have been safe or not, nevertheless your vet should explain why it's not safe. Well done for making efforts to make sure your puppies go to good homes & for taking excellent care of your dog :) Hope you get it all sorted.

    • I would ask that question to your vet. Perhaps he thought you already knew.As far as the "too late to spay/abort" -- BS. Spaying right now would be less dangerous than a c-section/spay which is what most veterinary ERs do if you end up needing an emergency c-section. Whelping pups is also more dangerous - especially if you don't have experience.

    • Hard to say what the vet's motives were. Some think it's too risky, some are simply against "abortion", some are motivated by the money they'll get from the pups.I was once present while a vet did a spay/abort on a golden retriever that was just days from whelping. It was heartbreaking, because the pups were completely viable and could have been taken and raised at that point. I wondered why the owner had left it so late.

    • It's not your fault, you aren't the professional one here. The vet is at fault. There job is to tell people about ALL the options available before they make a decision. Obviously, he never did his job properly. The animal's health should come first here, but obviously, by the sound of this, this wasn't the case. Yes, it would have been a good idea for you to have had her spayed, but how was you to know that an intact male would break into your house and impregnate her? By the sounds of it, it looks as if you should try to find a new vet, that will, in detail, give you all the available options. You may have had great experiences with your current one, but not telling you about her having the chance to be spayed is unfair, both to you and your dog. Who knows, he may well be in it for the rewarding outcome - the experience and the pay. At the end of the day, this is out of proportion. He may have not mentioned it for safety reasons, but that is still not the point. A professional vet with common sense would go over each procedure available and the risk assessment of each to make sure you know what your getting in to!At your perspective, I congratulate you for doing the right thing, and seeking professional help in this. It's certainly the right thing to do, and your one of many, amongst the few irresponsible ones who have common sense to get help. Getting prepared to find new homes for the pups, is definitely a good sign on your part. Well done! I wish you, your dog, and the pups good luck for the future!

    • Find a new vet.There are too many self-serving vets out there.Someone that owns a horse where I board mine was telling me that she overheard one vet call the other and tell him to tell the owner the horse needed an ultrasound just because she had never seen one done and wanted the experience.Since when did vets stop caring about the animals? That's what I want to know.

    • If it was me, I would find a new vet. Some vets don't suggest a spay neuter first thing because of some peoples reactions due to veiws on abortion, but based on your calls and your concerns any good vet would have done so knowing how badly you did not want her to be pregnant. You could have done an emergancy spay immediatly after and there would have been no abort since nothing would have developed yet. This should have been suggested when you called the first time. I would not be able to trust this vet again. Not only was the spay/abort not suggested but one of them gave you false info the first time. What if you called for something that could be life threatening and was given wrong info. If they have an employee willing to give false info instead of admiting they don't know and finding the correct answer to me that is a fatal flaw and I would not stay. I also would have a hard time letting him profit from the pregnancy and pups since my suspision is that's why he neglected to mention the spay/abort. Ultimatly it's your desicion though and you need to do what feels right to you and what makes you comfortable. I'm glad you have someone helping you through this for your pups sake and make sure you have a vet on call 24/7 as the due date arrives in case of emergancy. Please rehome the puppies with a spay and neuter contract.

    • Find a new vet. I have had the same vet for over 25 years. He is wonderful. But he will NOT do a spay/abort.Unless he determines the b*tch is at risk. Some vets are like this. Since I don't have intact animals and always spay/neuter, his opinion on this does not bother me.

    • It's either he wants the money from the pups, or he is an idiot.Oh, also, make sure you have the future owners of the pups sign a spay & neuter contract that they WILL have the pups spayed or neutered.

    • spaying a pregnant girl can cause major problems. the amount of blood that is in the horns of the uterus is greatly incresed when she is on heat or pregnant, the risk of infection after is also greater due to the extended lenght of surgery. Some vets will refuse to desex pregnant dogs even in the very early stages, find another vet....my boss does vacc worming and microchipping for 50$$ a pup for breeders....it looks like the nurse f***d up not the vet...from now on speak to the vet directly to avoid any confusion...