Why do dogs stand up when they eat?

My 8 year old German Shepherd always lies down when she eats, since she was a puppy. People in the past have asked what is worng with her and that we should take her to the vet. Is it really all that unusual for a dog to lie down when they eat?

    Why do dogs stand up when they eat?

    My 8 year old German Shepherd always lies down when she eats, since she was a puppy. People in the past have asked what is worng with her and that we should take her to the vet. Is it really all that unusual for a dog to lie down when they eat?...
    General Dog Discussions : Why do dogs stand up when they eat?...

    • Why do dogs stand up when they eat?

      Why do dogs stand up when they eat? General Dog Discussions
      My 8 year old German Shepherd always lies down when she eats, since she was a puppy. People in the past have asked what is worng with her and that we should take her to the vet. Is it really all that unusual for a dog to lie down when they eat?

      Why do dogs stand up when they eat?

      Why do dogs stand up when they eat? General Dog Discussions
    • No, all dogs eat differently. Mine stands up, but i guess thats what he likes to do. Its funny, my cat lies down when she eats so i dont think you should worry. I think its all in the way they want to eat, then they get used to eating that way (standing up or laying down).

    • I've known other dogs that would lie down when they ate. It's not unusual. There's nothing wrong with them. I think they are just more relaxed. Dogs that stand to eat are most likely 'on guard' because of the wild dog instincts they all still have. It's like the instinct they have to circle several times before lying down--some always do it, others only do it occassionally.

    • One of my dogs lays down. But I think most stand because it has to do with instinct. If they feel the need to take their food and run, it's easier to do that from a standing position rather than laying down.

    • My dogs vary when they are eating. Usually they either sit and eat (corgi) or stands up (chinook). Sometimes they both eat laying down, which I think just means they are tired, but hungry. I don't think it is anything to worry about.

    • Nah, lots of them do lay down to eat.. I have 3 that lay down to eat nearly everytime they have their meals. " They " say that dogs that lay down to eat, especially enjoyed being with their mom and the interaction they got from her and the good feelings of laying with mom and eating, so they just continue it. Eating to them means comfort and love.