My 7 week old puppy has only one vaccine can he go outside and explore?

He only has his very first shot and im not sure if it is ok to take him outside and let him smell or play in the grass. My older dog is getting her booster shots soon, but doesnt have them yet. She is the only dog living in my backyard right now. Im dont…

    My 7 week old puppy has only one vaccine can he go outside and explore?

    He only has his very first shot and im not sure if it is ok to take him outside and let him smell or play in the grass. My older dog is getting her booster shots soon, but doesnt have them yet. She is the only dog living in my backyard right now. Im dont…...
    General Dog Discussions : My 7 week old puppy has only one vaccine can he go outside and explore?...

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    • My 7 week old puppy has only one vaccine can he go outside and explore?

      My 7 week old puppy has only one vaccine can he go outside and explore? General Dog Discussions
      He only has his very first shot and im not sure if it is ok to take him outside and let him smell or play in the grass. My older dog is getting her booster shots soon, but doesnt have them yet. She is the only dog living in my backyard right now. Im dont know if it is ok or safe for him to go outside. So is it ok for him to play in the grass outside with only his first vaccine or should i wait untill he gets his second one? He only has the first one out of three shots. Help or advice?

      My 7 week old puppy has only one vaccine can he go outside and explore?

      My 7 week old puppy has only one vaccine can he go outside and explore? General Dog Discussions
    • I would not. The risk of disease is just too high. Your breeder should have explained this to you, as well as your vet. You should be calling your vet's office to ask this, not strangers on the internet. PS Your 7 week old puppy is too young to be away from its mother. It's actually illegal in most areas to do this, who did you get this puppy from???

    • If your other dog has had it vaccines and you limit the puppy to your back yard, you should be fine. To catch most of the dog diseases, you have to come in contact with another dog or it's elimination products. Some can last living on the ground for a long time.

    • Most puppies only technically need one set of shots ( all the vaccines are actually within one shot) except the rabies .( Vets just dont explain things cuz they wanna make $$$) So if you puppy got his first shot outta 3 . They technically have received all vaccines. Then they just need the rabies on top of it. And to keep em de wormed. but Most vets always say puppies need 3 or 4 shots. But all they are doing is giving them the same set of vaccines 3 or 4 times just to " make sure" they don't become susceptible to things bc of the fact their immunity is not fully developed until they get older. But I never had any of my puppies shots until 10 weeks. And the vet told me they would only need 2 sets instead of 3 bc I had came in so late. But explained how technically I don't have to bring em back for the second round unless I wanted to just to make sure they don't catch any illness before their immune system fully developed. So I never took em back for the 2nd shot. All I do is keep em up to date on boosters n they turned out just fine and are fully grown mature dogs now. And if your other dog is up to date on shots I highly doubt your puppy will get sick from being around the other dog or being in the same yard as its in just bc it has not gotten its 2nd & 3rd shots yet. It just might catch worms . But I'm sure your puppy has been wormed? But some ppl do diff things w their dogs. So it's really up to you if you feel comfortable putting it outside w/o it's other shots. But if it was mine, I'd let it out to play and be comfortable knowing it most likely will be fine.

    • Some of the diseases that we vaccinate dogs for are actually spread by wildlife. So if there is wildlife coming through your yard, then your dogs will be at some risk. We tell owners that their dogs are not completely ready to go just anywhere until several weeks after their final boosters. Your pup should have boosters every 3 weeks. We booster at 6, 9, 12, 15 weeks, and give the final parvo booster at 16 weeks.I did take all my dogs into the yard to do their business before that time. You don't want potty training to be difficult because you didn't take your dog out. In most yards, your dogs should be ok. Of course, if diseased animals have been in your yard, then your pets are at tech