How much does it cost to get a dog/puppy checked out and get sprayed &neutered?

my parents don't want to send our new family member to the vet because they say it will cost alot and we got our (german pointer pitbull mix)puppy from our neighbor and how do i know if it has lice?

    How much does it cost to get a dog/puppy checked out and get sprayed &neutered?

    my parents don't want to send our new family member to the vet because they say it will cost alot and we got our (german pointer pitbull mix)puppy from our neighbor and how do i know if it has lice?...
    General Dog Discussions : How much does it cost to get a dog/puppy checked out and get sprayed &neutered?...

    • How much does it cost to get a dog/puppy checked out and get sprayed &neutered?

      How much does it cost to get a dog/puppy checked out and get sprayed &neutered? General Dog Discussions
      my parents don't want to send our new family member to the vet because they say it will cost alot and we got our (german pointer pitbull mix)puppy from our neighbor and how do i know if it has lice?

      How much does it cost to get a dog/puppy checked out and get sprayed &neutered?

      How much does it cost to get a dog/puppy checked out and get sprayed &neutered? General Dog Discussions
    • first of, if you don't have lice the dog wont, its most likely flies (try garlic pills) second, getting your dog spayed can range from 70 to 160 bucks depending on where you go. i would suggest your local spca

    • SPRAYED with what? Flea meds, or? No one knows who much your vet charges for these services. How about YOU pick up the phone and find out? Parents are willing to take care of the dog, then they need to surrender the pup to a shelter/rescue, where it will get the proper medical needs. Nice that they've supported a moron backyard greeder by getting a pup from them. Mutts should always be obtained from shelters/rescues.

    • I would estimate the first year of your puppy's life to cost you between $200 and $500. For shots, check ups, spay and neutering and flea and tick medicine. Maybe a little more if there are any complications, sickness, or injuries. Your parents should not have allowed a new pet into your home without first knowing the cost and the responsibility. Pets are not cheap to maintain. You cant just throw out some food and pet them and expect them to be healthy. There are laws in most states that you MUST provide vet care and immunizations including rabies vaccine, and you certainly do not want to contribute to the huge overpopulation of dogs already. You should talk to a local vet and perhaps the ASPCA or local shelter about low cost clinics for your pup. Although it will still cost something. New puppies are very cute, but many people do not realize the cost and responsibility associated with bringing that cute little bundle of love home. Puppies grow into dogs...and without proper training, vet care, nutrition, and love they will not be so cute. Remember the 3 M's when you get a new pup...Medical, Manners, and Meals. Good luck with your pup.

    • Check with your local shelters and rescues, they may be able to direct you to a low cost vet clinic. Also, offer to pay for the neuter or at least half of it. If you don't have the money, say you'll work it off by doing more chores around the house and sell old stuff you no longer need or want. Explain to them the benefits of having a dog neutered. Also, several clinics won't neuter a dog unless they've had their shots, so you would also have to get those.As for lice,