Is my puppy sick or does she have parvo?

I got my puppy couple days ago. I fed her the same thing the breeder was feeding her and her stools were healthy. Then one night she went to the bathroom and she had a little bit of blood that came out. I freaked out and called the vet the next morning…

    Is my puppy sick or does she have parvo?

    I got my puppy couple days ago. I fed her the same thing the breeder was feeding her and her stools were healthy. Then one night she went to the bathroom and she had a little bit of blood that came out. I freaked out and called the vet the next morning…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is my puppy sick or does she have parvo?...

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    • Is my puppy sick or does she have parvo?

      Is my puppy sick or does she have parvo? General Dog Discussions
      I got my puppy couple days ago. I fed her the same thing the breeder was feeding her and her stools were healthy. Then one night she went to the bathroom and she had a little bit of blood that came out. I freaked out and called the vet the next morning and they told me I had to make an appointment. So I got one for tomorrow. My puppy continues to have really mushy watery poop. But No blood. She is eating and drinking water and playing and doesn't seem sick. she isnt vomiting but I'm worried she might have parvo or something serious.

      Is my puppy sick or does she have parvo?

      Is my puppy sick or does she have parvo? General Dog Discussions
    • My mom works at A vet. It doesn't really sound like she has parvo. We got a puppy a few months ago and he got parvo. He didn't drink or eat anything for almost two weeks. We had to have him on an IV. He was weak and all he did was sleep. So i don't think your puppy has parvo. :)

    • She's eating and drinking and playing and doesn't seem sick, it isn't Parvo. And it's not something serious. Dogs can't talk so when they're sick they show serious symptoms to tell u they're sick. It might be worms, or just diarrhea. Get some peace until tomorrow's appointment and don't worry so much unless there is high temprature, vomiting, lathergy, black or bloody diarrhea, shaking, pale gums, like I said serious symptoms. And good luck tomorrow.

    • I recommend they do a parvo test and an intestinal parasite test on your puppy. Keep her away from all other animals and advise the staff when you bring her to the vet. I recommend if they do not have a room for her right away to keep her in the car with someone until they do since parvo is HIGHLY contagious and highly fatal. As puppies they are able to catch everything and anything since they are not completely vaccinated yet. Next time your vet states you need to make an appointment and your puppy is have mushy watery poop you need to have her seen at an emergency vet. I would also address your concern with the manager of the vet clinic, they should have recommended you be seen right away since puppies and any dog with that type of diarrhea can become highly dehydrated easily and that can kill them just as easily as parvo. I would also look into another clinic who shows more compassion and care for your sick puppy. I recommend feeding her steamed white rice with NO seasoning until you get her seen and hold off on any other food at the moment and make sure she continues to drink plenty of water. The best of luck for your puppy and hope it's just a bad sickness and nothing more serious!

    • If she has Parvo, believe me, she IS sick!! But you need to get her to a vet (and I'd not take no for an answer - vet receptionists are well known for doing this sort of thing... you should have said it's an emergency and they would have fitted you in). They will be able to tell you whether or not she has Parvo - and it's good practice in any case to get a new puppy a health check/started on their vaccination, within 48 hours of them coming home,Chances are this is just a worming situation, but get that puppy seen - asap because if it is Parvo, the sooner she's started to be treated the more chance she has of surviving.

    • he doesn't have any serious symptoms of parvo. you'll just have to wait and see what the doctor says but until then id keep him isolated, or limited to one room, that can be easily cleaned with bleach because parvo is extremely contagious to other dogs and can live on surfaces for a very long time.