How can I teach my dog to walk on a leash and she gets car sick what can I do?

She does okay if we are in the house or the front yard. As soon as we get past the front yard she sits and drags her feet. I found her on the side of the road. I took her to the vet and they said she was 9-11 weeks old. They said she was a healthy…

    How can I teach my dog to walk on a leash and she gets car sick what can I do?

    She does okay if we are in the house or the front yard. As soon as we get past the front yard she sits and drags her feet. I found her on the side of the road. I took her to the vet and they said she was 9-11 weeks old. They said she was a healthy…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I teach my dog to walk on a leash and she gets car sick what can I do?...

    • How can I teach my dog to walk on a leash and she gets car sick what can I do?

      How can I teach my dog to walk on a leash and she gets car sick what can I do? General Dog Discussions
      She does okay if we are in the house or the front yard. As soon as we get past the front yard she sits and drags her feet. I found her on the side of the road. I took her to the vet and they said she was 9-11 weeks old. They said she was a healthy Catahoula puppy. We found her the first week of Feb so that would make her 8-9 months old. I would love to take her places with me but she hates the leash and every time we do go in the car she throws up. She seems to be content on staying home. She is very protective of my 3 yr old son. What can I do?

      How can I teach my dog to walk on a leash and she gets car sick what can I do?

      How can I teach my dog to walk on a leash and she gets car sick what can I do? General Dog Discussions
    • The vet can give you medication for car trips, like dramamine but for dogs, but many dogs grow out of this phase. My old gal used to throw up every time in the car, she now can do an eight hour trip without any problems.As for the leash problems, have you tried other kinds of leashes or harnesses? Different kinds help with different problems.

    • Car Sickness. It happens to humans. And to dogs. Motion sick dogs are quiet and drool profusely leading up to an episode. But most dogs can become desensitized to the motion of the car over time. To help things along, be sure your dog has been fed at least three hours before you set off, and consider using anti-motion sickness medication (see your vet). One more thing-bring a roll of paper towels.Teaching submissive, fearful dogs is a lot like teaching puppies – you have to keep things low-key, use plenty of rewards, coax correct behavior, and avoid harsh corrections. Prong collars used smooth- side-in are often more effective on these dogs than chain collars.The keys to success are persistence and consistency. You have to out-stubborn the dog, even if he is big and strong. If you cannot win the battle by yourself, contact a dog training club or school. Be sure to watch a couple of classes before you enroll so you can choose a class that uses gentle methods and fits your needs.