What is a REALLY good dog food/treat? that dogs absolutely love?

My vet said that i can try to feed my puppy baby food, chicken broth, and so on. I need to know something that my dog wont turn down. I have tried plenty of different we foods and the vet also prescribed some science diet a/d. I am trying to get her to…

    What is a REALLY good dog food/treat? that dogs absolutely love?

    My vet said that i can try to feed my puppy baby food, chicken broth, and so on. I need to know something that my dog wont turn down. I have tried plenty of different we foods and the vet also prescribed some science diet a/d. I am trying to get her to…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is a REALLY good dog food/treat? that dogs absolutely love?...

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    • What is a REALLY good dog food/treat? that dogs absolutely love?

      What is a REALLY good dog food/treat? that dogs absolutely love? General Dog Discussions
      My vet said that i can try to feed my puppy baby food, chicken broth, and so on. I need to know something that my dog wont turn down. I have tried plenty of different we foods and the vet also prescribed some science diet a/d. I am trying to get her to eat more. she has gotten sooooo much better these past 2 days, (she had pneumonia) but since she lost weight during her sickness i am trying to get her to eat more and get her appetite back. the vet said it would take trying different things. any suggestions?and i mean the little jars of baby food....any particular flavor?

      What is a REALLY good dog food/treat? that dogs absolutely love?

      What is a REALLY good dog food/treat? that dogs absolutely love? General Dog Discussions
    • Just a meaty one - maybe a chicken in gravy one? Think of how you feel when recovering from a sickness - just a little food each day until you feel better. Go with the vets recomendations and give your dog a few more days before you worry.

    • They should be strained baby food. Look at the ingredients get the ones that have just the meat. No garlic or onions in them ok.I think Gerber makes organic strained meat but dont hold me to that ok. You will be able to see once you start to look. My dog liked the chicken and the lamb and the beef flavored ones. He had a stomach virus and I had to feed him baby food with white rice.

    • one of my dogs ate grilled cheese and ham sandwiches, boiled chicken breast, and hamburger when he had pneumonia. Junk food is better than no food when it comes to a sick dog.

    • most dogs will turn down anything hard to chew so lots of the new treats are soft and easy to chew. also if you give him/her bacon or rice. i no rice sounds really weird but my mini dauchund loved rice!!!!

    • I worked at a dog kennel for 3 years. I used to feed cats baby food (carrots, turkey dinner, chicken dinner, yams) plus some chopped up bits of raw hamburger meat. Try that. I've also used soaked (water left on) dry food with a little bit of brown rice and small meatballs of raw hamburger meat. I've never seen a dog not take a piece of the raw meat. We used to give pills to dogs in it. If she is having diaherra, try some twice baked brown rice. It works really well, and almost every dog I've ever seen or fed has loved it. You can also try boiling skinless boneless chicken breast. Dogs really like that too. Chicken broth works well for ones that refuse to eat. Take a syringe, (that obviously doesn't have a needle in it!) fill it up with some chicken broth and squirt into the mouth. At least that gets the dog to actually get some nutrients. Make sure there is plenty of CLEAN water for the dog to drink too...Hope that helped!!!

    • try something with fruit instead of veggies, that helped my dog. i was told once to avoid onions and anything with lots of salt in it, if that helps narrow down the selection. hope ur puppy gets better soon! but if ur dog CAN eat solid food, try small pieces of beggin' strips.

    • One yummy treat that my dog loves is a homemade version of Frosty Paws. Mix 1 cup peanut butter (I'd go with creamy) and 1 cup yogurt (vanilla or plain). Spoon mixture into muffin tins and freeze until firm. Serve frozen. A sick dog might like some high protein "ice cream" like this. Optionally add in a mashed banana before freezing.

    • Chicken broth and baby food - ? I really hope that your vet specified that there must not be any onions, or onion powder in the ingredients of these things. Onions are fatal to dogs, and especially sick dogs. I think you need a second opinion!Science Diet is not a good food. Here are some sites that will help you find a better food for your dog:http://www.dogfoodproject.com/andhttp://www.4pawsu.com/dogfood.htm