Are there any risks I should be aware of when taking my dog to the dog beach/dog park?

I have a 5 and a half MONTH old Cattle Dog mix pup, and would love to take him to the dog park and the dog beach soon, but want to be sure he won't pick up parvo or any other horrendous sickness and what not. I'd like to avoid any unnecessary vet…

    Are there any risks I should be aware of when taking my dog to the dog beach/dog park?

    I have a 5 and a half MONTH old Cattle Dog mix pup, and would love to take him to the dog park and the dog beach soon, but want to be sure he won't pick up parvo or any other horrendous sickness and what not. I'd like to avoid any unnecessary vet…...
    General Dog Discussions : Are there any risks I should be aware of when taking my dog to the dog beach/dog park?...

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    • Are there any risks I should be aware of when taking my dog to the dog beach/dog park?

      Are there any risks I should be aware of when taking my dog to the dog beach/dog park? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 5 and a half MONTH old Cattle Dog mix pup, and would love to take him to the dog park and the dog beach soon, but want to be sure he won't pick up parvo or any other horrendous sickness and what not. I'd like to avoid any unnecessary vet visits. He's up to date on his shots (lepto, rabies, parvo, etc.) and has his tick and flea preventative as well.Thanks in advanced for all the replies! :)

      Are there any risks I should be aware of when taking my dog to the dog beach/dog park?

      Are there any risks I should be aware of when taking my dog to the dog beach/dog park? General Dog Discussions
    • A dog is ready for dog park/beach when he's:--current on vaccinations--100% reliable on recall--obedience trained and obeys "leave it"--got a responsible owner who's alert to ALL surroundings, watching out for potential problemsDog parks seems to be magnets for irresponsible owners and untrained dogs so you need to keep your eyes peeled. Both watching your dog and being aware of approaching dogs.

    • I don't recommend dog beaches or dog parks at all. Even if your dog is up to date on it's vaccines there are things it can pick up there, like giardia. There is a HUGE chance of people bringing their dangerous, unsocialized, aggressive dogs there and the owners are rarely in control of their animals. Even if you yourself do everything right, a dog could come out of nowhere and hurt or kill your puppy. If you want to socialize your dog consider a training class or make a playgroup with dogs and owners you know. If you absolutely insist on taking your dog to these places, don't go until you have clearance from the vet to allow him around other dogs.

    • I would worry less about the diseases and more about your puppy's first big step towards socialization. You need to stay close to him, make sure he reacts well (by well I mean doesn't act aggressively, he will probably be submissive). Take him during a time that the park is not busy so he can associate himself with the place first. The park here is busy from dawn to early afternoon, then slow until 4pm-dusk. So go in that time during a weekday. Here the dog beach is HUGE and because of that, many fights break out while the owners are too far away to get there in time before damage is inflicted. Go to whichever one is smaller so that nothing like that happens. I will warn you, a 5 month old puppy WILL get bullied around a bit a few times. It is pretty normal for them to establish their status. Just watch very, very closely and pay attention to which dog belongs to who.