Can a dog get sick like a human can?

So I got a new puppy yesterday (soooooo excited :D) it's my first pet, ever. I was wondering though, can pets get sick with like the flu and pink eye and strep and other sicknesses like those?

    Can a dog get sick like a human can?

    So I got a new puppy yesterday (soooooo excited :D) it's my first pet, ever. I was wondering though, can pets get sick with like the flu and pink eye and strep and other sicknesses like those?...
    General Dog Discussions : Can a dog get sick like a human can?...

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    • Can a dog get sick like a human can?

      Can a dog get sick like a human can? General Dog Discussions
      So I got a new puppy yesterday (soooooo excited :D) it's my first pet, ever. I was wondering though, can pets get sick with like the flu and pink eye and strep and other sicknesses like those?

      Can a dog get sick like a human can?

      Can a dog get sick like a human can? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes, but with different stuff to us.Be careful not to get any of it's blood on you if it cuts itself, dogs carry AIDS and HEP C.Have fun with your new puppy :)

    • Dogs do get sick, but the problem is their illnesses are much harder to diagnose. The symptoms could be a mild illness or a serious disease, that's why its important to see a vet as soon as you see any strange behaviour or any signs of sickness in your new pet.

    • yes and no there are canine diseases (dog) the pups should have been checked by the vet before bringing it homeif not get it checked first thing Mondaya pup like children should get a serries of vaccine boosters and then yearly vaccinesthe pups should have a stool sample checked and probably wormed for whatever worms are found in hte stool sample please only get the correct wormer form the vet as the ones bought over teh counter are not good and reallydon't work and in the long run you will pay more than that at the vets

    • Yes, dogs do get sick like humans and while their diseases or disorders are different in some cases, there are several that are very similar to diseases that we face.As an example, dogs can get several types of allergies, the flu, all kinds of skin condition, heart murmurs, epilepsy, pink eye as well as red eyes, as well as shock, tremors, and seizures, just to name a few.Puppy strangles are also very common in some breeds, however, with your new puppy and as it grows, there are several warning signs that you can watch for that will identify several of the diseases and disorders they face if you understand what to watch for. Your puppy cannot tell you what is wrong with them or how they feel, so it will be up to you to watch for some of these symptoms as they have helped me for over 20 years and 5 dogs. Here is the list:Breathing problemsThis can occur very slowing or strike quite suddenly and if your dog seems to have trouble breathing, it can affect the tissues in their body and can be a real emergency.Coughing in dogsCoughing by your dog is perhaps the worst sound you will ever hear. All dogs will cough on occasion, but it is generally the result of eating or drinking to fast. However, if it becomes more than a one and done thing, something is terribly wrong.Fevers in dogsFevers are another real warning sign. Your dog’s temperature should be between 100.5 and 102.5. If it goes above 102.5, get them to the vet as soon as possible.Pacing and Restlessness:This is the tell-tell sign of bloat in dogs especially if you have a large breed with a big chest. Bloat can kill your dog within hours if it is not caught and treated.Red Eyes in dogsNot to be confused with pink eyes, this is a condition that can take your dog’s sight very quickly if not treated. Urinating and drinking excessivelyThis is a real warning sign that your dog has a bladder or liver problem. An average size dog, between 30 and 40 pounds should drink between 2 to 3 cups of water per day, or 30 milliliters per pound of body weight.Collapsing and fainting in dogs:Dogs can collapse as well as faint just like we do, and if it ever happens, even for just a few seconds, it could be the early signs of epilepsy of the beginning of a nervous problem.Bruising and bleeding in dogs:Dog’s skin is their main defense and first line of attack against several diseases, and this is anything but normal in your dog.Bloody diarrhea or urine:Bloody diarrhea in dogs as well as blood in their urine may be the first signs of kidney stones or the first sign of cancer, as cancer in dog, just like humans, is one of the leading killers in all breeds.Although this list in not all exclusive, it gives you an idea what to watch for as your enjoy your life with the best friend you will ever have; your dog. Frank