why should i buy a puppie?

why should i buy a dog, please give me reasons why i should and why i shouldnt, thank you.

    why should i buy a puppie?

    why should i buy a dog, please give me reasons why i should and why i shouldnt, thank you....
    General Dog Discussions : why should i buy a puppie?...

    • yes you should buy a puppy. they are kind,loving, and keep you a great amount of company. before you buy a puppy make sure that you are responsible enough to care for it and things like that. make sure to also get a vet and prepare your home and self for it.hope this helps! :)

    • If you want a dog, and have time and energy to devote to training and caring for a dog then you should get a dog.Reasons not to get a dog:- Having a dog is expensive. You have to pay for food, vet bills, leashes, collars, training classes, bedding, chew toys, etc. for 10+ years. The cost of buying a dog is nothing compared to the cost of owning a dog.- Having a dog is time consuming. You have to teach the dog what it can and can't chew, where to go potty, not to jump on people, how to sit and lay down, how to walk on a leash, how to come... and you have to exercise the dog every day, let it in and out of the house, if you don't have a fenced yard you have to walk the dog on a leash to let it go to the bathroom several times a day.- Dogs are social creatures. They need social contact, so you have to give them attention every day. You can't just leave a dog in the yard.- Puppies are even more time consuming. You have to socialize them to all sorts of novel things before they are 12 weeks old, and then you have to teach them bite inhibition, socialize them to other dogs, and continue to socialize them to novel things. Most puppies need to go outside every 3-4 hours - this includes during the night.- Most dogs that end up in shelters were purchased by people who thought they wanted dogs, but weren't prepared to put the time and energy necessary into raising a dog. Most dogs in shelters are under 1 year old, but due to improper training, socialization, and lack of exercise turned out into destructive obnoxious dogs. This was through no fault of the dog, they just did what dogs do. The dogs turned into "horrible pets" because people were uneducated and didn't put the time and effort into teaching their dogs what dogs need to know.Before you get a dog do a ton of research into training, and into specific breeds. Sign your dog up for obedience classes as soon as possible, and make sure you give the dog enough exercise. When your dog hits adolesence (usually around 6 months) sign them up for another obedience class. Most importantly, be realistic about how much time, energy, and money you are willing to invest in a dog.

    • Well, if your ready for the commitment of potty-training and buying food, then i think your ready for a puppy. And, if I could suggest a breed, i would say get a beagle!! They are the sweetest most loyal dogs! I've researched them! And, I suggest NOT getting a Pit bull! I've researched them too. They start out nice, but they are VERY unpredictable! Hope this helps!Btw, to all you pit bull lovers out there, I don't hate pit bulls, I used to own one, so I'm only speaking from experience and acquired facts!