can i sue for buying a puppy that dies a week later!?

Hello. I bought a puppy off of craiglist ( yes I know) but it was my birthday and my son really wanted one so we got him and as soon as we got home his just looked sick so I told the people and nothing. So I took him to the vet and he was very sick not…

    can i sue for buying a puppy that dies a week later!?

    Hello. I bought a puppy off of craiglist ( yes I know) but it was my birthday and my son really wanted one so we got him and as soon as we got home his just looked sick so I told the people and nothing. So I took him to the vet and he was very sick not…...
    General Dog Discussions : can i sue for buying a puppy that dies a week later!?...

    • can i sue for buying a puppy that dies a week later!?

      can i sue for buying a puppy that dies a week later!? General Dog Discussions
      Hello. I bought a puppy off of craiglist ( yes I know) but it was my birthday and my son really wanted one so we got him and as soon as we got home his just looked sick so I told the people and nothing. So I took him to the vet and he was very sick not parvo but be did have the runs and a fever so took him home and he passed that night. Now my whole family is so sad. So my question is in new jersey do I have any legal options here? Hope so cause I'm a single mother of 2 and I spent money I did not have for the little guy and I really need it. Thanks for listening and god bless

      can i sue for buying a puppy that dies a week later!?

      can i sue for buying a puppy that dies a week later!? General Dog Discussions
    • There is a 3 day period in which you can return a sick puppy after a Vet diagnosis's the problem.I have always recommended that people take their new pups straight to a Vet before you bring them home. You could take the body back to the breeder & ask for your money back. It is against the law to sell sick animals & you should not have picked up a sick dog.If there is any faith in this BYBers heart, you will get your money back & if not, you got scammed & screwed by a BYBer.

    • How much time between when you got him and when you took him to the Vet?I'd go to Small Claims Court - I would not back down.The Vet let a puppy that was literally dying go home?Again - I'd be at Small Claims Court on Monday AM. Win or lose, I'd make my point.

    • Did the BY Ber you bought this pup from give you a health guarantee.If not, then no you can't sue.Call a lawyer and ask if you can take this person to small claims court.But don't hold your breath on it tho.Because you said yourself you bought the dog from craigslist.Not a proper place to buy or sell either one.

    • You might want to read this: you have ALL of the documentation, you can probably file a law suit with small claims court. Keep in mind, that you will have to provide the correct address of the person you bought the puppy from, as it's your responsibility to do so. If the court documents are mailed to them, and they don't receive those documents to show up in court, it's not the job of the court system to try to locate the party you bought the puppy from. In other words, if you met this person in a parking lot to buy the puppy, you have no idea where they live. When you file a law suit, you are the one who has to provide PROOF of everything. If I were you, I would contact your local courthouse Monday morning and ask them this question. They will tell you if it's even worth the bother or not.With that said, you said it was YOUR Birthday, so why were you buying a puppy for your Son, when you stated that you spent money you didn't have? No offense, but that wasn't the brightest idea, as as you already know, buying a puppy off of Craigslist is not a good idea, because you DID buy from a Back Yard Breeder. Re-homing an older puppy or dog is a whole different thing IF the person who's re-homing it also has a legit reason, and can provide YOU with all the past Vet documents and the REAL reason why they feel the need to re-home the dog.God Bless you too, but being a single Mother of 2, you should not be making purchases that you can't afford, and that includes a live animal that could live to be 15 years old. I hope you learned something, even if it was the hard way, and I am truly sorry this happened. Don't make the same mistake twice.Add: I almost forgot. If you do pursue this, there will be court costs, which you will have to pay for, unless the selling party does show up in court and you also sue for the court costs. To file the claim, you will have to pay up front. Even if all goes well, it's not easy to collect those costs if you win your case.Depending on how much money you actually spent on all of this, it might not even be worth the time.

    • It is actually against the rules on craiglist to sell animals. They can only be offered as up for re-homing with a small fee. Report that individual to craiglist if they advertised puppies for sale. You can ask for your money back, but don''t expect a person who was already breaking the rules to be likely to give you any. You can also file a complaint in small claims court but again it may prove futile. You probably don't have enough invested in the dog for a law suit to be worthwhile and unfortunately emotional pain and suffering related to loosing a pet is not usually compensated American courts.I am very sorry this happened to your family and the poor puppy. Don't ever deal with people on craiglist when it comes to live animals. Don't trust pet stores either they may offer limited warranties, but they get puppies from puppy mills who are often the sickest runts left over from litters the puppy mill owner could not sell themselves. Try a reputable breeder or adopt from a breed rescue or shelter. Dogs from either of those sources are most likely to have had reliable vet care.

    • you shouldnt never buy anythng that looks cheap on craiglist because on there people can be faker and scams that they just all want money money and doesnt careless what they sold . the puppy i bet was very illness ever since the owner hasnt be truely good breeder . iam sorry that you got a sick dog but you cant get sued for buying something off the craiglist but i can tell you the owner of the dogs who didnt takecare of the puppies can be sued by the court law . you should had been sent report about the breeder of the sick puppy is bad they can get caught and sent to the jail for selling abuse and sicked pets . well iam not sure how the law in new jersey is these days but you should ask your friends or family maybe they can help you and give you some ideas what to do next. iam sorry that your son and your family having a sad time . i hope you had made a small grave for the little puppy laid in peace. some places like animal serivce. or at the APCA shelter sell good healthy other dogs, puppies and cats, kittens. small animals that needed some love and care and be adopt . that the place i would do but this time i think it better just wait til the right time and right ,year to adopt any pet that you and your son can go check out the cutes animals. that reason not look any pets on craiglist. you cant trust anyone that on there!. as for your son birthday gift. maybe instead not worried so much. you and your family can all go out to celebrate your son birthday party with his friends and more family members and have ice cream and cakes. and buy nice gifts for him anything that will cheer him up and be happy . its hard to loose someone like a pet. i usedo felt that way since my yorkshire terrier passed away in 2010 she was only 14 year old. she wasnt sick she was very health little girl. just she got weak and old . i never did forgotta any of my other pets i had before. they like children where raise them and feed them and takecare of them and give alot of love and play with them and teach them some good matters and buy nice gifts . . ;)

    • Hopefully u learned your lesson. Craig's list is a backyard breeders playground, and those type of people care about money not healthy pets. What u can do is report them to animal control for selling sick puppies. They may be able to further assist u in any case u may have against her by letting u know the laws concerning pet sales in your state. I'm not sure u can really sue her, but u can have her investigated and that leads to the possibility of fines and even jail time.Next time u want a puppy go to the shelter. Believe it or not those dogs are healthier than any backyard bred dogs u will find on Craig's list. At least the shelter makes sure the dogs are up to date on shots, temperament tested and spayed/neutered before they are let go to new homes.