do smaller dogs have a higher risk of problems when giving birth?

do smaller dogs have a higher risk of problems when giving birth?

    do smaller dogs have a higher risk of problems when giving birth?

    do smaller dogs have a higher risk of problems when giving birth?...
    General Dog Discussions : do smaller dogs have a higher risk of problems when giving birth?...

    • do smaller dogs have a higher risk of problems when giving birth?

      do smaller dogs have a higher risk of problems when giving birth? General Dog Discussions
      do smaller dogs have a higher risk of problems when giving birth?

      do smaller dogs have a higher risk of problems when giving birth?

      do smaller dogs have a higher risk of problems when giving birth? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes, Most dogs under 10 pounds need c-sections there is an even higher risk of having complications if you breed them with a bigger male (even a little bigger). If you mean 10+ pounds and the female is mated with a smaller male you shouldn't really have many problems but you should take the female to the vet to make sure everything is okay with her before breeding and before she gives birth.After answering your question i need to say this if your dog didn't win titles for best of breed then you should have your dog spayed because you would just be creating more dogs that will take away home from shelter dogs and these pups could end up in shelters too.

    • There are many risks for any dog that gets pregnant. Too many to list here that can cause the loss of puppies and/or mother. With smaller dogs those risks are multiplied greatly. The possibility of needing a C section is so great that most breeders of small breeds have their vets on call. Also, the litters are usually so small, sometimes only one puppy. If you are planning on making any money by selling the pups you most likely be at a loss.You need to ask yourself the following questions.1. Is my B***h an outstanding example of her breed, Physically, mentally & Temperament wise?2. Have I invested in having all the health and genetic testing done so that I do not bring into this world unhealthy dogs. even though the parent may appear healthy their genes may be hiding something.3. Will the offspring of this litter be an improvement to the breed4. Can I afford any emergency medical attention that the mother or pupcs may need.5. Can I afford to stay home from work to wait for the delivery and maybe even to care for the puppies if something should happen to the mother.6. Can I handle it if I lose the puppies7. Are you willing to risk the life of the mother.8. Can you afford to spend a ton of money and end up with nothing