Taking new puppy to groomers?

Would it be too traumatic to send a new 8 week old puppy to the groomers before coming home? I would rather have a professional do it because Ive never washed a dog before and don't want that strong doggy smell from him litter mates in my house. I also…

    Taking new puppy to groomers?

    Would it be too traumatic to send a new 8 week old puppy to the groomers before coming home? I would rather have a professional do it because Ive never washed a dog before and don't want that strong doggy smell from him litter mates in my house. I also…...
    General Dog Discussions : Taking new puppy to groomers?...

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    • Taking new puppy to groomers?

      Taking new puppy to groomers? General Dog Discussions
      Would it be too traumatic to send a new 8 week old puppy to the groomers before coming home? I would rather have a professional do it because Ive never washed a dog before and don't want that strong doggy smell from him litter mates in my house. I also have his first vet appointment that day too, is this too much on the first day?

      Taking new puppy to groomers?

      Taking new puppy to groomers? General Dog Discussions
    • If you don't want a doggy smell, don't get a dog. Most groomers won't take young pups who haven't been fully vaccinated. This means you won't be able to take it until it is about 12-16 weeks old.

    • If the groomer is experience, he or she will know how to treat the dog properly, and talk to it, and do their best to make the dog comfortable at the groomer's. I think it would be ok.it will make a big first day for the puppy, but i'd probably consider it too.

    • You should wait until the pup is at least 12 week sold before grooming. it is going to be enough of an adjustment for him moving from his mom and siblings to a new environment where he is alone, let alone subjecting him to a trip to the groomer. Wait until he is feeling a little more secure before sending him to a groomer.

    • Too much!!Your puppy shouldn't be groomed/bathe after getting shots - they are sore & can bleed again at injection site.Plus most shops will not take dogs w/o shots to protect dog & other clients dogs. 8wk is kinda young anyway. Your pup shouldn't be around any other dogs like at the shop or pet stores or dog parks until fully vaccinated. I normally won't take a puppy until 12wk after shots & only for a bath/mini groom.

    • 8 weeks is a little young for a water bath.Its not a problem of traumatizing your pup its can his skin handle the shampoo? what if he has an allergic reaction to something? and what if he catches something from one of the other dogs? or what if he panics and jumps out of the tub and hurts himself? or what if one of the other dogs hurts him some how?Wait until he is old enough to get fully vaccinated before you take him to a groomer.Anyway he shouldn't have a very strong smell, his mom should be keeping him clean.

    • I wouldn't recommend it. Most groomers require dogs to be fully vaccinated. Anyway, your puppy might be afraid of all the new, loud noises inside a dog salon. Washing a puppy isn't bad. You could always whip out your kiddie pool and bathe it in the backyard. If it is small enough, you could wash it in the sink. Remember to use dog shampoo and not human grade.As long as you aren't bringing a wet dog to the vet, I'm sure they wouldn't mind the puppy! Have you tried asking the breeder to give the dog a quick wash beforehand? Most responsible breeders are so invested in the little guys that your breeder probably wouldn't mind (of course, I'm not a breeder nor ever asked so take it with a grain of salt).