Are first, second, and third round Parvo/Distemper vaccination shots all the same?

Are all three vaccinations the same and are they the same as the regular adult vaccination?

    Are first, second, and third round Parvo/Distemper vaccination shots all the same?

    Are all three vaccinations the same and are they the same as the regular adult vaccination?...
    General Dog Discussions : Are first, second, and third round Parvo/Distemper vaccination shots all the same?...

    • Are first, second, and third round Parvo/Distemper vaccination shots all the same?

      Are first, second, and third round Parvo/Distemper vaccination shots all the same? General Dog Discussions
      Are all three vaccinations the same and are they the same as the regular adult vaccination?

      Are first, second, and third round Parvo/Distemper vaccination shots all the same?

      Are first, second, and third round Parvo/Distemper vaccination shots all the same? General Dog Discussions
    • Disneyland...These are booster shots administered to puppies at 3-week intervals starting at around 6 to 8 weeks old. Often they are a 5-in-1 shot -- DHLPP 1, 2 and 3.DistemperHepatitisLeptospirosisParvovirusParainfluenza(Likely also includes Adenovirus)They are intended to boost a puppy's immunities gradually for young systems and are the same shot with each booster.Once this has been done, the "regular adult vaccination" is administered annually only. To my knowledge, the levels are the same...booster and regular vaccination. They are not based on the weight or age factors of the dog.Other single vaccinations that are usually administered separately (or combined in a 6-in-1, 7-in-1, or 8-in-1 vaccination during a final puppy booster visit) may include Coronavirus, Bordetella, Lyme Disease, etc. depending on what is prevalent in your particular area. They also usually administer a single rabies vaccination (renewed annually or once every 3 years depending on the type of vaccination given) at the same time with the final set of puppy booster around 16 weeks of age or so.They also used to insist on Giardia (for bacteria found in stagnant water)...but vets now do not promote this vaccination because of some discovered complications unless absolutely necessary.I hope this helps!

    • As Angela said, there are all the same, the reason to give them 3 shots is just necessary , to boost the number of anti titers of each of the 2 deceases. In many cases the first shot dosnt work the way people believe it will work . The reason for it is the fact, that there is a unkwon gapbetween puppies age of 4 up to 7 weeks where tey are still protected by there mothers milk which gives them all the protection a puppy needs. The problem is, that the protection from mothers milk drops as puppies are aging , and there is a time between the first and second shot where your puupy is without any protection. If the first shot was given too early, the mother milk protection will kill vaccine bcs. the puppies are still protected bcs. of mothers milk. And here the problem starts. You may still believe your pup is allready vaccinated but you do not know that that vaccine was killed by mothers milk protection. Now the period starts, where mothers milk protection drop down to 0 and thats exact the time, where your pup is not protected of any canine desease. Thats why the second shot is necessary and the 3. Shot will just act as a booster.