When should a baby labrador be vaccined?

How many months/days from birth?

    When should a baby labrador be vaccined?

    How many months/days from birth?...
    General Dog Discussions : When should a baby labrador be vaccined?...

    • When should a baby labrador be vaccined?

      When should a baby labrador be vaccined? General Dog Discussions
      How many months/days from birth?

      When should a baby labrador be vaccined?

      When should a baby labrador be vaccined? General Dog Discussions
    • Vaccinations should begin at 8 weeks with the distemper combination vaccine.At 12 -13 weeks Rabies can be administered and the distemper booster is givenBetween 14-16 weeks it is very impotant that the dog receives its last distemper booster to fulfill immuninty.Rabies and distemper vaccines ae core vaccines which means the AAHA and everyone with a brain agree are necessary for optimal health.Non core vaccines are vaccines that may be necessary in your area of the country or due to potentional exposure.Non core vaccines ae Lyme,Lepto and Kennel Cough.Discuss with your vet if your pet needs any of these non core vaccines.Congrats on your puppy.

    • We got our German shepherds shots when he was 4 weeks. You dont halfto go to the vet , we went to the local feed&fuel co. like sams downtown. Anyway they have shots there, and they have all the shots your pup will need for 6 $ you just need to give the shot to your pup yourself, or just ask a worker there and they"ll do it. :) Hope I helped!