Can you tell me anything you know about owning a new puppy?

Jack Russell Terrier will most likely be the breed. I've had a dog for over 11 years so i'm not new to this...but the dog I had wasn't a pup...she was around 3-5 when we got her. So any puppy advice would be much appreciated! Thanks so much! <img src="" alt=":)" />

    Can you tell me anything you know about owning a new puppy?

    Jack Russell Terrier will most likely be the breed. I've had a dog for over 11 years so i'm not new to this...but the dog I had wasn't a pup...she was around 3-5 when we got her. So any puppy advice would be much appreciated! Thanks so much! <img src="" alt=":)" />...
    General Dog Discussions : Can you tell me anything you know about owning a new puppy?...

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    • Can you tell me anything you know about owning a new puppy?

      Can you tell me anything you know about owning a new puppy? General Dog Discussions
      Jack Russell Terrier will most likely be the breed. I've had a dog for over 11 years so i'm not new to this...but the dog I had wasn't a pup...she was around 3-5 when we got her. So any puppy advice would be much appreciated! Thanks so much! :)

      Can you tell me anything you know about owning a new puppy?

      Can you tell me anything you know about owning a new puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • Puppies are a very big commitment!You must take them outside every 2 hours. They need to be fed 3 times a day. They require a lot of exercise and play time! Beware, they will chew anything they can get their mouths on!If you buy your puppy from a Breeder, they should have more info to tell you. If you plan to adopt (which is great!) Then the adoption counselor will guide you!Try going on and adopting your new best friend! Good Luck!

    • You should go online to do research. the suggestions will be limited here; And for future reference it'd be more thorough online as well just pick Google or Altavista, and type in "puppy care". See the sites that come up. Hope that helps. Good luck:):)

    • Find a good reputable breeder (refferals on the site below) and be sure to socialize socialize socialize!!!!!Get him/her into puppy classes and crate training to housebreak.

    • Puppies are a lot of work :)Jack Russel's are usually very hyper and can be escape artists. The ones I have known dig a lot.Your house needs to be puppy proofed. You need a crate and a lot of toys to keep his/her teeth busy while s/he is teething especially. Puppies need to go outside every hour and a half or so, and when they wake up or get finished eating. And the most important thing is Socialization. They need to get really used to both people and dogs. Good Luck! :)

    • if you are or have a new puppy i will say that you might want to keep any beloved slippers out of the way and prep by buying some training pads and A LOT of chow toys and you also might want to take the pup to some trainnning classe with you while she/he is still very young

    • Wow, this is a loaded question! So much to say! I am a veterinary student who has worked at a vet office for several years in the past, and was responsible for counseling new puppy owners, so I will try to briefly cover the important things. Feel free to contact me with any extra questions or for clarifications. Make sure when you pick the dog up that you get any vaccination history he or she may have had already. Puppy vaccines usually are given in 3 or 4 sets, 3-4 weeks apart, starting at 6-7 weeks of age. They will get 3 Distemper combo vaccines (which usually include parvo, corona, lepto, herpes, adeno, and parainfluenza viruses). They'll get one (usually intranasal) bordetella vaccine for kennel cough and then will get the first rabies at about 16 weeks. They will also be dewormed a few times as 98% of puppies are born with roundworms. Make sure the puppy is not brought to the park or exposed to other dogs until all puppy vaccines have been given. Depending on the tick burden in your area, you may want to consider a lyme vaccine also. Also, watch carefully for any nasal or eye discharge as well as coughing & sneezing as many breeder & shelter puppies can get an upper respiratory infection that needs to be treated. You may want to keep the puppy separated from your other dog temporarily. I'm sure you know about heartworm prevention, and this can be given starting at 6 weeks and should be given year round - Interceptor is the best brand in my opinion as it covered heartworm and intestinal parasites. The puppy will also need adequate year round flea prevention. Frontline & Advantage are great. The store bought products (Hartz) & flea collars don't work worth a crap so don't waste your money there. His/her blood will get tested once yearly for heartworms, even when on prevention, as no medication is always 100% effective. His/her feces will also be checked for parasites yearly. Feed him/her a good quality puppy food (Science diet, Purina, Iams, Eukanuba) as the store bought foods are made with meat byproducts rather than whole products and will not be as healthy during that crucial growth period. Keep him/her on the puppy food till between 9-12 months of age and try to keep her food separate from your older dog's. Never feel table scraps of any sort; dogs' digestive systems aren't built like ours but unfortunately they're very unaware of this and will just eat anything and can get sick easily. If you give him/her treats, make sure they're small enough for him/her to swallow. Also pick up plants & small objects from the floor, because just like babies, puppies put everything into their mouths that will fit and can suffer a toxic episode if they eat the wrong thing. Get him/her a collar and begin training to walk on a leash. Make sure to check the collar often to know when it's getting tight. Puppy classes are a great idea for socialization & training, especially since Jack Russells are super smart dogs, but can often be aggressive and difficult to deal with if not trained properly. Again, wait till the puppy vaccines are completed before starting classes. Hold the puppy like a baby alot, as this shows that you are dominant, and play with the puppy's feet often so he/she is used to being handled and will be easier for the vet to handle (please please!) Get him/her spayed or neutered at a young age (between 9 weeks and 5 months) depending on the weight. This will make training a lot easier and reduce any risk of a mating or cancers down the road. There's much more to say! Please let me know if you'd like more info about anything. good luck!!!

    • Well first off just so you know jack russels are extremely hyper dogs, and if you are going to get a puppy they are going to be extra hyper on top of that. I just recently got a new puppy so here are some things that I have had to learn the hard way I am more than happy to share this with you.Buy puppy pads or keep them away from carpeted areas, it is very hard to get the urine smell out when they have accidents. Also keep in mind that its a puppy and you will have to teach it every thing like you would a baby. Try not to get frustrated with it. It will try to push your buttons as hard as it can. I would also get some treats for positive inforcement, and chew toys if you like your shoes LOL Good luck

    • New puppy, well they need: *lots of attention *chew toys (when they grow teeth)*walks around the block (least 5 time a day)*food and water dish (buy them at the pet store)* put only dog food in the food dish *put only dog food in it every time it gets empty*never give puppy's or dogs sugar*put clean water (cold) in the dish every time it looks dirty*wash both dish as you would a regular dish*wipe their paws off when they have just from outside( Always in the winter)**if you don't you pet paw will rot *sometime you will need to pick salt out of your pet's paws*buy a sweater that fits your pet for the winter ( they have a thin coat)*also you might have to shovel a circle on you lawn so you pet can use the bathroom when it's a blizzard outside *keep your house clean *your back yard should not have small eatable objects *a gate in the back yard too (not a cage)*go to the vet so your pet can get it's shots ( only a real vet can give shots)**make sure pet health insurance too *buy dog treats * buy tooth brush or doggie ments*get your dog groomed too*now you must buy shampoo for you pet*fill the bathtube up at least up to the pets kneel or paw depending onthe pet's hieght*email me if you need more or have more questions at : [email protected]