What sort of a dog is best for small apartments?

well small dogs would really work best because they r apartment dogs. usaully dogs that have a very lazy habbit but can be well trained r the best

    What sort of a dog is best for small apartments?

    well small dogs would really work best because they r apartment dogs. usaully dogs that have a very lazy habbit but can be well trained r the best...
    General Dog Discussions : What sort of a dog is best for small apartments?...

    • small space small dog. large space large dog. Large dogs need more room to keep in shape and not have leg and hip problems. Along with weight problems. If you feed a dog and they dont have room to run off the calories they will certainly gain weight.

    • When I was trying to decided on a dog I lived in a Mobil home and my vet said a pom was a good inside dog they get enough exercise just by running. But they are yappers and don't like to be left alone. Also most small dogs are the same way. So if you are not home much you might want to think about a cat.

    • I think it's hard to have a dog and live in an apartment. first, the barking is going to bother your neighbors. second, it's not like you can just let them outside to do their business; you have to take them on walks and then pick it up. So if you can find a dog who is "lazy" I guess that would work. I mean, lots of people have dogs who live in apartments, I just don't know that it's the best thing for the animal.

    • people like small dogs for apartments because to a small dog it seems like more space than a big dog.everyone here is going to tell you a different breed. all based on favorites, looks, or their own pets despite their experiences with other breeds.i suggest you go to http://www.dogbreedinfo.com or animal planet (online) and take the quizes there to find which breed (or mix breed) best suites you and your living style.

    • Its really about both. Small dogs would do great in apartments if they are quiet and not rowdy. A big dog would work for the country and it could be rowdy or calm. But if its a big dog I guess it will work in an apartment if he doesnt bark a lot or rough house. =)