My dogs are sneezing like crazy and one is dry heeving?

I took a stray in that was in labor in the rain back in May. I didn't have any luck finding her owners, so her and her puppies are still here with me. Everyone was healthy and my dog started sneezing and dry heaving. I thought he had a cold or allergies…

    My dogs are sneezing like crazy and one is dry heeving?

    I took a stray in that was in labor in the rain back in May. I didn't have any luck finding her owners, so her and her puppies are still here with me. Everyone was healthy and my dog started sneezing and dry heaving. I thought he had a cold or allergies…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dogs are sneezing like crazy and one is dry heeving?...

    • My dogs are sneezing like crazy and one is dry heeving?

      My dogs are sneezing like crazy and one is dry heeving? General Dog Discussions
      I took a stray in that was in labor in the rain back in May. I didn't have any luck finding her owners, so her and her puppies are still here with me. Everyone was healthy and my dog started sneezing and dry heaving. I thought he had a cold or allergies since he has all his shots so I wasn't too concerned until I noticed the stray mother dog sneezing as well. I was going to make them both an appointment Friday to be seen by my dogs vet, but then I woke up in the middle of the night and heard her puppies sneezing too. They all have some watery discharge coming out of their nose when they sneeze. I took them to the vet in our new town and he gave them antibiotics for them possibly having kennel cough. We are 3 days into the antibiotics and still have symptoms getting worse.There is more sneezing than ever. My old vet told me that he has had several cases of fully vaccinated dogs getting distemper and now I am so scared they could have that. I don't even know what to do. Please help me. I need advice. I am calling the vet in the morning for a distemper test, but I can't ease my mind enough to even sleep! I am so scared, because my dog is mine and my husbands best friend and we have gotten so attached to the stray that we have named her and want to keep her. Should call the emergency vet to ask for a test? There is an over night clinic here, but they want $150 just to walk in the door. Should I wait until morning? I feel so lost.We have an animal group on facebook for our town that people use to find the owners of missing dogs, and there was a post saying distemper is going around really bad in our town and that's why I am worried. I googled distemper symptoms and WebMD says loss of appetite which the adult haven't been eating as much as normal and I told the vet that when I went the first time. It also talks about nasal discharge. I am so scared.

      My dogs are sneezing like crazy and one is dry heeving?

      My dogs are sneezing like crazy and one is dry heeving? General Dog Discussions