Can I take my dog with me to Mexico for 35 days and bring her back to the US?

I took my dog to the Vet and they told me that their vaccines are only okay for 2 weeks . I am going to mexico for 35 days and I was told that i can get her vaccines over there but they aren't sure if they are valid. Meaning that they don't' know if the…

    Can I take my dog with me to Mexico for 35 days and bring her back to the US?

    I took my dog to the Vet and they told me that their vaccines are only okay for 2 weeks . I am going to mexico for 35 days and I was told that i can get her vaccines over there but they aren't sure if they are valid. Meaning that they don't' know if the…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can I take my dog with me to Mexico for 35 days and bring her back to the US?...

    • Can I take my dog with me to Mexico for 35 days and bring her back to the US?

      Can I take my dog with me to Mexico for 35 days and bring her back to the US? General Dog Discussions
      I took my dog to the Vet and they told me that their vaccines are only okay for 2 weeks . I am going to mexico for 35 days and I was told that i can get her vaccines over there but they aren't sure if they are valid. Meaning that they don't' know if the US will acknowledge them when entering crossing the border. Can any one explain the procedures that i will need to take in order to take my dog out of the country and bring her back with me without any complications?

      Can I take my dog with me to Mexico for 35 days and bring her back to the US?

      Can I take my dog with me to Mexico for 35 days and bring her back to the US? General Dog Discussions
    • (Not my site, just something I found with an internet search)That lists the procedures for bringing a dog INTO mexico FROM the US and then bringing the dog back.It seems rather complicated and you do need a lot of paperwork. Seems pretty straight forward but you're going to have to follow the guidelines and know how to transport them and with what paperwork.

    • You must have proof of rabies which is valid for One year, and a valid health certificate within 10 days of entering Mexico. You will need to see a vet before coming home to get another health certificate to enter the US,again, dated within 10 days of entering the US> I don't know what kind of shots your vet is talking about, never heard any lasting only two weeks..(unless it's just the puppy vaccines that are due again two weeks after the last oneRabies and a Heath certificate are the ONLY ones the boarder is concerned about. The rest are necessary for the health of the dog.(parvo, distemper bortadella) You should also have the dog microchipped to prove you didn't buy it in Mexico and are importing it.'The rabies certificate will have the breed and your vet's info on there to proove this too.