how much does it cost to get a boxer puppy vaccinated?

he is a new puppy and has not had any vaccinations yet.

    how much does it cost to get a boxer puppy vaccinated?

    he is a new puppy and has not had any vaccinations yet....
    General Dog Discussions : how much does it cost to get a boxer puppy vaccinated?...

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    • how much does it cost to get a boxer puppy vaccinated?

      how much does it cost to get a boxer puppy vaccinated? General Dog Discussions
      he is a new puppy and has not had any vaccinations yet.

      how much does it cost to get a boxer puppy vaccinated?

      how much does it cost to get a boxer puppy vaccinated? General Dog Discussions
    • all of these for the health and well being of your new pup,

    • All vets charge differently depending on the location. Does your area have a Petco? Petco is a chain store that has vets come in to vaccinate puppies and adult dogs at very low discounted prices.An example: A rabies shot cost me $8.00. You can also purchase packages which include distemper, kennel cough, etc.Check with your local animal shelter for information as well.