How much should I feed my PB Puppy Daily?

I have an 8 wk old pitbul boxer mix and I feed him purina puppy chow and the bag says to feed him about a cup and a half per day because he weighs maybe 10 lbs. I am worried though be cause I dont want him to be hungry. Should I break it up into 3 little…

    How much should I feed my PB Puppy Daily?

    I have an 8 wk old pitbul boxer mix and I feed him purina puppy chow and the bag says to feed him about a cup and a half per day because he weighs maybe 10 lbs. I am worried though be cause I dont want him to be hungry. Should I break it up into 3 little…...
    General Dog Discussions : How much should I feed my PB Puppy Daily?...

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    • How much should I feed my PB Puppy Daily?

      How much should I feed my PB Puppy Daily? General Dog Discussions
      I have an 8 wk old pitbul boxer mix and I feed him purina puppy chow and the bag says to feed him about a cup and a half per day because he weighs maybe 10 lbs. I am worried though be cause I dont want him to be hungry. Should I break it up into 3 little meals or 2 okay meals or what?

      How much should I feed my PB Puppy Daily?

      How much should I feed my PB Puppy Daily? General Dog Discussions
    • An 8 week old puppy should be fed at least twice a day if not three times, if you can do it. I would get to a pet store and put him on some better food. Stay away from dog foods that you can buy at Wal-Mart or at a grocery store. These have a lot of fillers in them and are not giving your dog much nutrition. I have a pit bull and as a puppy she would eat about three cups of good food three times a day as a baby. Now as an adult she eats about four cups twice a day.

    • I think you should feed him a cup in the morning and half a cup in the afternoon or evening. He doesn't need anymore food than this, and if you notice him getting skinnier or not gaining wieght, then feed him more or take him to the vet to make sure he doesn't have worms. If you have questions about how much or what to feed your dog, call the vet or go in to the office and you can be sure that what you're doing is right.

    • Please go to the link below and pick out a good quality food for your dog. Anything rated 5 or 6 ... and ALL grocery store brands contain crap and it ALL garbage foods including Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet, etc.Feed your dog what it says on the bag. The better the food, the less you have to feed and as a bonus the less they poop.

    • I have a 4 year old boxer and when he was that age I would break his meals up into three small meals a day (morning, noon and night). My vet said that once they are about 4-6 months of age you can split in up twice a day (morning and night). We also have a 6 month old retriever and that's what I was told to do with him as well...hope that helps;)

    • He should be eating 2 times a day between 2 to 4 cups a day total. Start with a cup and a half at each feeding and see how he does.and of course lots of treats! :)

    • Not a fan of the brand of food you are feeding him. Is it possible for you to get a kibble that does not contain, by products, corn and wheat and has meat as the first ingredient? Ask the person at the pet store to help you there.Two smaller meals a day is best so you don't overload his little tummy. Be really consistant with times and places so he learns a routine. Pups love routines, it gives them a sense of safety. Take him outside about 20-30 minutes afterwards for potty breaks. Praise him like he just performed advanced physics when he does this. This will help prevent accidents in the house.Enjoy your pup. I bet he is just adorable.

    • i have had my puppy for a few months now and i fed him 2 times a day from when i got him. 2 times is just fine, and he wont be hungry. My vet and the breeder i bought him from both said the bag adds about 10% more to the actual needs of the dog, better for the company to see a fat dog than a thin dog...