Do puppies get sad and loose appetite when they are teething?

Just a few days ago my puppy was doing just fine. Yesterday she slept almost all day and she's the playful type but since yesterday she has been really sad and she hasn't eaten much.

    Do puppies get sad and loose appetite when they are teething?

    Just a few days ago my puppy was doing just fine. Yesterday she slept almost all day and she's the playful type but since yesterday she has been really sad and she hasn't eaten much....
    General Dog Discussions : Do puppies get sad and loose appetite when they are teething?...

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    • Do puppies get sad and loose appetite when they are teething?

      Do puppies get sad and loose appetite when they are teething? General Dog Discussions
      Just a few days ago my puppy was doing just fine. Yesterday she slept almost all day and she's the playful type but since yesterday she has been really sad and she hasn't eaten much.

      Do puppies get sad and loose appetite when they are teething?

      Do puppies get sad and loose appetite when they are teething? General Dog Discussions
    • Dogs don't get sick or feel sad when teething, other then chewing more, you hardly notice anything. If your dog isn't active, and not eating..get her to a vet. It could be nothing, or something serious.

    • she could be teething or it could be worms, or any other puppyhood normal issue. if she still acts lethargic or gets worse, take her to your vet. she could also just be going thru a phase. i knw i panicked when my collie cross started breathing weirdly. it was fine, she was just hot. shes half colliexgermanshep and coyote. wierd mix, but shes the product of my exes dog getting loose.