Broken nail?

My dog broke his nail at the end by the skin, and the vet wants to declaw amputate his nail, or sedate him and cut it very close to the skin without guaranteing that the problem would occur again. what should i do???<br />

    Broken nail?

    My dog broke his nail at the end by the skin, and the vet wants to declaw amputate his nail, or sedate him and cut it very close to the skin without guaranteing that the problem would occur again. what should i do???<br /> ...
    General Dog Discussions : Broken nail?...

    • Broken nail?

      Broken nail? General Dog Discussions
      My dog broke his nail at the end by the skin, and the vet wants to declaw amputate his nail, or sedate him and cut it very close to the skin without guaranteing that the problem would occur again. what should i do???<br />

      Broken nail?

      Broken nail? General Dog Discussions
    • I do not think the vet wants to "declaw" the dog. He just wants to sedate him and clip the nail short. There is a "quick" that runs in the center of the nail that brings the blood supply to the nail. It is painful to cut through it. Let the vet do this. The vet cannot guarantee the dog will never break a nail agin. Be serious!

    • Either way your dog will or should be sedated it would probably be better to remove entire claw so that it can't happen again. At least not to that nail. And yes, it will be very painful for a while. Good luck.

    • I would have the vet sedate him and have the nail cut close to the skin. Then, if it happens again, THEN amputate. This type of thing is usually an injury- and not likely to recur. If you don't have the nail clipped, the ragged edge can get caught on things and make it even more painful for your dog.

    • don't declaw. just sedate him and trim the nail all the way back so it can re-grow properly. once it grows back make sure you always keep an eye on the length of the nails and trim and cut them to keep them short so they don't break again. remember some nails can grow faster than others.